Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction That Can Make Your Sexual Life Miserable

Erectile dysfunction popularly known as ED is a male sexual disorder typically associated with general weakness in sexual play. It is a very harmful inability both physically and psychologically. The damage it does determines your outward ability to socialize and feel complete. Many patients with this disorder shun even the close relatives. Erectile dysfunction is the main cause of impotence. In a few words erectile dysfunction may be summed up as the inability to sustain a full erection for purposes of sexual play.

The main causes are associated with the following risk factors: depression, cardiovascular disease, old age, blood pressure and diabetes presence, cigarette and substance abuse plus any misuse of prescription drugs. In rare cases, genetic recessiveness may play a role. Causes therefore become lighter to understand and hunting for a solution becomes much easier. Without health nerves, arteries and muscles, erection is often paralyzed and may as well be put aside and forgotten.

With due respect, age is inevitable and comes with its own weaknesses. In old age diseases like diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and heart attacks are common. Compliance fails automatically and nerves may even fail to produce nitric oxide a basic necessity when it comes to signal conveyance to the male organ. With or without disease, aging alone is a disorder of great magnitude physiologically to all cells in the body.

High blood pressure or hypertension is a handicap working against blood circulation stability and has been known to cause impaired production of nitric oxide a basic ingredient required when it comes to erection generation. High blood pressure ends up bringing about arteriosclerosis and may damage the kidneys with time. Diabetes mellitus incapacitates the body in general and is the main cause of early developments of erection dysfunction. It damages autonomic nerves shutting down delivery of blood to the male organ necessary for sustenance of erection.

Cardiovascular diseases, characterized by the hardening and narrowing of the blood vessels, are a common disaster to any erection. When this occurs to the blood veins around the male organ and the pelvis area, blood supply to achieve an erection is lowered and it becomes impossible to sustain it. This phenomenon is aggravated by habits like smoking and substance abuse and severity of this disease increases many times. Cocaine, heroin, and alcohol addiction damage nerves and may deny testicles nutrients eventually disabling testosterone production.

The trauma caused by accidents or any other injuries cause untold suffering leading to poor coordination of the sensory nerves. The injuries of the spine cause paralysis and loss of contact to many areas including the sexual organs causing complete shut down of any sexual activity. In other cases where there is lowered testosterone level due to may be poor development of the testes, sexual desire becomes the first symptom of failed erection. Poor libido is among the first signs of sexual dysfunction. The world of chemical use especially drugs is largely a compromise between the final benefit and temporary or permanent side effects associated with the drug in question.

Many times diabetes mellitus becomes so chronic that other area of the body are compromised. The effects of drugs therapies go beyond and have been known to cause extensive damage to the sexual organs propagating erection failure. All kinds of drugs used to treat blood pressure, kidney diseases etc have by extension gone overboard and left long lasting marks in other places.

Find powerful herbal Erectile Dysfunction Pills to improve lovemaking performance. Read about Sexual Weakness and its natural cure.