Shilajit is a well known Ayurvedic medicine used by men since ages and it acts mainly as a "Rejuvenator" and provides vitality and stamina in the body. Popular as a natural aphrodisiac, this product is extracted from the decomposition of hundreds of unknown and untouched herbs of the Himalayan mountain ranges. Due to the heat in summer these products exudates through the cracks and crevices of the mountain rocks. The chemical composition of this product is still obscure. Studies reveal that Shilajit contains about eighty five minerals and other important acids like humic acid and fulvic acid. This rare composition is only found in the Himalayas. Shilajit instills vigor in men to remain young for a long time and enjoy life to the fullest.
Shilajit benefits
Shilajit is one of the valuable gifts of Mother Nature, which has astounding benefits. Enriched with vitamins and minerals this herbal supplement is capable of curing a wide range of physical disorders.
1. Shilajit enhances the energy level of the body by hastening the cell metabolism that is essential for daily activities.
2. It acts as a natural aphrodisiac and improves the sexual performance in men. It increases the sperm count and prevents premature ejaculation. It also helps in sustaining penile erection during lovemaking.
3. Various chemicals present in this herbal supplement aids in regulating the blood sugar levels and is useful for the Diabetics.
4. Shilajit increases the supply of the minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus that helps in enhancing the enduring power of the bones and muscles.
5. It helps in fighting the foreign bodies or antigens and boosts the body immunity system.
6. Shilajit is very effective for weak persons and those recovering from any serious illness.
7. People suffering from various types of arthritis like gout, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis have benefited greatly by the use of Shilajit.
8. Lower back pain and other joint pains can also be reduced considerably by using this drug, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
9. Shilajit intensifies the nervous system of the body and helps in curing various nervous disorders like paralysis, hemiplegia etc.
10. It is also very useful in curing mental disorders like anxiety, depression, fatigue and convulsions.
11. It acts as a blood purifier and also helps in curing hemorrhoids, fistulas and fissures.
12. Shilajit helps in controlling the body weight by removing the extra fatty adipose layers from the body.
13. It is a powerful anti-oxidant that fights the formation of free radicals and prevents aging and any serious ailments.
Read the benefits of Shilajit for enhancing libido. Also know effective Premature Ejaculation Treatment.