Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a chronic ailment characterized by high blood glucose or sugar levels. Glucose derived from the food we consume is broken down in to simplified forms by the hormone insulin secreted by our pancreas. The insulin burns the glucose and allows it to be taken up by the body cells. When pancreas does not produce as much insulin as needed by the body or when the body cells fail to respond to insulin, glucose stays back in blood, reaches very high levels and makes the person diabetic.
Ways to prevent or reverse diabetes complications
Patients with diabetes are forced to lead a miserable life due to the various annoying symptoms that cause much discomfort. It is not possible to cure diabetes completely but it is certainly possible to reverse or check the complications arising from diabetes by means of certain tips which may be listed as follows.
1. Patient's awareness to the complications is the first step for treating diabetes. He or she should accept the changes in life and be at peace with him self or her self. The patient should avoid negative attitude towards life and be ready to alter lifestyle. Stress and depression, habits like smoking and alcoholism would have adverse effect on a diabetic. Talking about one’s stress, practicing yoga, meditation and deep breathing would improve the quality of life and help to avoid unnecessary complications.
2. Dietary changes play a vital role in preventing diabetes complications. Frequent short meals, timely meals and no meal skipping are very necessary for a diabetic. Junk food, heavy sauces, saturated fat rich food like meat and dairy products, highly processed flavored foods, simple sugars in candies, sweets and desserts are to be strictly avoided. They raise cholesterol and carbohydrate levels in body and in turn the glucose levels. Raw vegetables like spinach, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, turnips and dandelion, fresh citrus fruits and fiber-rich diet like legumes, black beans, kidney beans, barley, oats, nutmeg, horse gram etc are very necessary for diabetics. The soluble fibers in the above items reduce intestinal absorption of glucose.
3. Exercising also helps the patient to fight the battle against diabetes better. Daily, routine-based exercising is necessary to cope with diabetes. Complicated, strenuous exercising is not required. Simply brisk walks, jogging, swimming, cycling and biking can help a lot in shedding extra pounds of flab, burning down calories, speeding up the metabolic process, improving blood circulation.
Hope this article will help you in preventing or reversing diabetes complications effectively and efficiently.
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