Hypoglycemia is a diabetic condition induced as a result of low blood sugar level in human body. Prolonged fasting, less carbohydrate concentration in food intake are some of the main causes behind hypoglycemia. This silent killer is unpredictable and can happen at any time even during our sleeping hours. If not seriously taken and untreated, hypoglycemia may lead to death of patient. Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia vary depending upon the diabetic condition of patient. Some diabetic patients feel shakiness, weakness and dizziness due to hypoglycemia. It may induce nervousness and faintness among some other patients. Often hunger is another sign shown for hypoglycemia.
People suffering from this diabetic condition may frequently ask for food due to hunger. Rumbling sound which is produced as a result of movement of gas in stomach can be heard in some patients. This condition is medically termed as Borborygmus. Hypoglycemia creates upper stomach complaints and induce vomiting tendency in patients. Hypoglycemic patients may prone to several emotional changes like eagerness and anxiety. Situation creates tongue twisting problem and difficulty in normal speaking.
Hypoglycemia occurring during night time sleeping hours is dangerous than daytime hypoglycemia. Here patient may not feel or know about the situation in his sleep. Formation of cold sweat, night mares, crying out, confusion, irritability and tiredness after waking up are some of the signs and symptoms due to night time hypoglycemic condition. These signs and symptoms are formed in order to counterpart the reduced blood sugar level. Studies say that stress hormones like adrenalin and occurrence of neuroglycopenia induced due to reduced blood sugar level in brain are responsible for these signs and symptoms.
Increased heart beat or tachycardia can be seen among some hypoglycemic patients. If palpitation persists for a longer time even after taking medicine, never hesitate to consult a diabetic specialist. Pupil of patients may appear dilated in some cases. Dilated pupil condition is medically referred as mydriasis by doctors. Double, blurred vision and flashy lights in vision are other commonly seen eye problems related to hypoglycemia. Pallor caused due to reduced oxyhaemoglobin in blood is another symptom of hypoglycemia. Patients may show behavioral changes like clamminess and rage. Some patients feel Paresthesia or pricking feel effect during hypoglycemic conditions.
Hypoglycemia may even lead way to certain neurological dysfunctions like ataxia and stroke in age old patients. Ataxia stops muscular movements due to its lack of co-ordination with neuron cells. Patients with ataxia may appear like drunkard. Severe hypoglycemia results in stroke condition or paralysis of body parts. In new born babies, hypoglycemia creates jerking effect and jitters while sleeping. Certain type of hypoglycemia worsens situation by the formation of epileptic seizure.
As a result of this unwarned seizure typically known as epilepsy, patient losses his or her awareness. Automatic behaviour or automatism characterized by loss of self control is another disorder exhibited by patients under this category. High emotional stress induced in hypoglycemic patients tempt in developing amnesia or loss of memory especially in elder people. Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia vary with age and intensity of hypoglycemic condition. Hypoglycemia can be well managed with proper medication by analyzing these signs and symptoms.
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