Fertility difficulties include low sperm count as one of the major problems in Males. It is nothing but measurement of sperms (concentration) in a given sample. The WHO has published guidelines for a healthy sperm count. According to it a normal sperm count measures 20 million sperm per millilitre of total semen volume of 2 ml. So total number of sperm per/sample will be 40 million. Low sperm count has been a major sexual disorder for Men. It leads to tension and instability in a sexual life. So low sperm count is one major physiological irregularity which should be handled carefully. Following are the steps one should follow to increase sperm.
Steps -
1. Frequency in sex is one important factor for sperm count. Sperm takes time to get formed and accumulate. So a gap in time should be maintained between lovemaking. It would be best to consult to a physician to know what should be the frequency of sex. Also more number of masturbations reduces sperm quality. So maintain a time gap for the formation of sperm in the body.
2. Health is always an important factor that affects sperm concentration. People practise some unhealthy habits which result in many dangerous health issues. Alcohol, smoke, drugs: uncontrolled use of theses result in low sperm quality. So it is advisable to refrain from these sperm killers to increase your sperm count.
3. Regular exercise will witness a fine improvement in sperm. It reduces toxins that result adversely to a human body. Studies have shown exercise helps in building strong male libido. Stress which is the primary reason for many health irregularities affects sperm levels. Exercise like Yoga reduces stress level so that one can increase sperm count. Therefore maintain a regular workout which also improves stamina in the body.
4. Don't use tight underwear and hot tubs and avoid sitting for long hours. These results in heating up testicles. It affects sperm levels in a male body. So use loose cotton shorts.
5. Use supplements after consulting your physician. For healthy sperms minerals like zinc and selenium are vital. Maintain a controlled diet as vitamins are necessary for sperms. L-Carnitine, fertilaid for Men increase sperm concentration.
6. Sperm level usually remains high in morning. So try to choose your schedule for sex accordingly.
7. Anti Oxidants like vitamin C and E are helpful.
8. Lose excess weight to avoid testosterone imbalance.
9. Improve blood circulation in body will help in this condition. One can try massage using herbal oil.
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