In medical term, hysteria is defined as the state of both mental and neurotic disorder characterized by violent emotional outbreaks. Simply, it is a state of severe agitation. Such a condition is more common to younger women of 14-25 years being adolescent and more sensitive. However, it can be noticed in some men too.
Possible causes and symptoms: Hysteria is a very complex phenomenon, and it can be due to a number of varying factors. For example, the way parents treat their children’s is an important cause. Parents' ignorance, rude behave, more career concentration, etc can disturb the mental orders of their children’s and this often results in hysteria at a later stage. Abusing children’s mentally, physically or sexually may also lead to hysterical tendencies. Sometime they develop “phobias” towards something or some person whom they consider as a matter of extreme fear! Among other reasons, most common are sexual repression, worry, stress, depression, etc. that may lead to mental disorder. Factors like sudden death of a dear one, failure in exams or business, huge loss, a false allegation and so on may also result in hysteria.
About symptoms of hysteria, the most usual ones are crying or laughing without any reason, redness of eyes, clenched teeth, fast breathing, emotional outbursts along with yelling, tensed muscle, swelling of neck veins, partial unconsciousness, etc. There also can be symptoms like inability to move or cramps in the limb in case of an acute hysteric patient.
Important home remedies: The best way to treat hysteria is the use of easy home remedies. They are mostly safe and side-effect free and therefore, very useful in such cases. Let’s take a look at the various home remedies available for the treatment of hysteria.
Lettuce Leaves: In order to get quick relief from hysteria symptoms, take some fresh juice of lettuce leaves and then add one teaspoon of Indian gooseberry in it. Drink this mixture early morning with an empty stomach for about one month regularly.
Honey: Take one teaspoon of honey at a daily basis in order to recover from hysteria. This is especially useful in case of women patients.
Asfetida: Try to take asafetida as a regular item of your diet or you can smell it too regularly.
Jambul Fruit: This is another effective home remedy for hysteric patients. You can either eat it as fruit or you can prepare a mixture of it by adding some salt.
Bottle Gourd: Take some pulps of the bottle gourd and place them on the head of the patient. It's also very effective in treating hysteria.
Meditation and Yoga: In case of patients with symptoms like limb cramp or partial paralysis and swelling of neck veins, etc. regular meditation and yoga could be very useful.
Hysteria being a disorder of one’s mental and nervous state should be treated both ways - towards body and mind. This is because a fresh mind can reside only in a healthy body. Therefore, the patient must avoid anything harmful to the body like alcohol, excessive junk foods, tobacco, tea, coffee and so on. They must be put on a healthy diet containing fresh fruits, milk and vegetables. Moreover, much patience and love while taking care of a hysteric person is also essential. They should be taught to think positively about their life.
Read more Home Remedies for Hysteria. Also know effective Home Remedies for Dandruff.