These days the problem of hypertension or high blood pressure is a common medical condition. When the pressure is exerted on the walls of the arteries by the pressure of blood at the time of circulation then there is an elevation of systematic pressure and this condition is called high blood pressure. Usually the pressure of our blood is high, when the heart pumps the blood in to the aorta and the pressure decreases gradually when the blood reaches the smaller blood vessels like arteries, capillaries and arterioles.
The upper number in the reading of the pressure indicates systolic pressure and the lower number indicates diastolic pressure. There are various causes for the problem of high blood pressure. Some of the important causes of the high blood pressure are intake of contraceptive pills, physical inactivity, stress and anxiety, intake of tobacco and alcohol, obesity, aging, intake of some other medicines like diet pills, amphetamines, pseudoephedrine, family history and sodium or salt sensitivity.
There are lots of symptoms of high blood pressure. Some of the major symptoms of high BP are restlessness, confusion, fatigue, nose bleeding, headache, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, impaired memory, blurred vision, shortness of breath and pain in the chest.
The problem of hypertension can be cured easily with the help of natural remedies. Some of the important natural remedies to reduce hypertension are given below
1. Person suffering from the problem of hypertension must reduce the intake of salt or sodium and must increase the intake of potassium.
2. You must strictly avoid smoking and alcoholism.
3. Blood pressure can be controlled by taking baked potato.
4. You must strictly follow the routine of doing exercises. It will improve blood circulation, metabolism and it will also check obesity.
5. You can also check your hypertension by walking bare foot on green grass for about half an hour. It improves the circulation of blood.
6. Intake of 2-3 cloves of raw garlic daily is very helpful and effective for treating the problem of high blood pressure.
7. You must take the juice of Indian goose berry mixed with honey daily. This is a proven natural precaution against hypertension.
8. Your BP can be immediately reduced, if you take a juice of half lemon in a glass of water.
9. Intake plenty of water is helpful in reducing the problem of hypertension. It improves the circulation of blood and it is also helpful in checking abnormalities due to pressure.
Read about High Blood Pressure Herbal Treatment. Also know about Hemorrhoids Herbal Treatment.