Discharge of semen during urination is something that might easily scare a man. All sorts of thoughts pass through one's head and, if he doesn't know the cause, he might start imagining the worst. Actually, sexual problems in men, these including discharge of semen during urination, are not at all uncommon. You don't hear about them because men are not chatty in what concerns such intimate issues.
Discharge of semen during urination, although it's not actually a life threatening condition, is still something that needs to be taken care of. It can be caused by a variety of things. Sometimes it is the result of night fall (involuntary ejaculation during sleep). Excessive nightfall can lead to weakened muscles in the pelvic area and to involuntary discharge of semen during urination. Same effect can be obtained if a man over masturbates, because this also implies ejaculating too many times and in an inappropriate time period. Discharge of semen during urination might occur alone or together with premature ejaculation. A man that won't be able to control himself is going to have more and more troubles in having normal lovemaking, so immediate measures need to be taken. Discharge of semen during urination is not always a consequence of ejaculating too often. Sometimes chronic diseases can trigger it.
Regardless of the factors that provoked discharge of semen during urination, men have nothing to fear about nowadays. There are plenty of products that claim to be able to stop this from happening and most of them are available over the counter. From chemical products that come in form of pills, creams and solutions, to herbal supplements which are entirely natural, a wide variety of treatments can be found. Some basic research might be needed before you take anything, especially if you don't like talking to a physician. In this case, it is always best to choose a natural alternative because this way you can make sure you won't experience other nasty side effects. NF Cure capsule and Shilajit are best herbal supplements for treating discharge of semen during urination.
Pills containing synthetic substances might interfere with other medical conditions or treatments or can have side effects worst than the problem itself, even if they are available over the counter. NF Cure capsule and Shilajit on the other hand, are safe and they don't alter other body functions. The best part about them is that they will also deal with other problems usually associated with discharge of semen during urination, like nightfall, premature ejaculation or sexual weakness.
Read more about Semen in Urine Treatment. Also know about Premature Ejaculation Treatment.