Erectile dysfunction is the impossibility of achieving or sustaining an erection for a sufficient amount of time. Men suffering of it find it difficult to have normal relationship and might become lonely and frustrated. Erectile dysfunction can have lots of causes, some physical others psychological. Certain medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, sclerosis, pelvic surgery or hormonal imbalance can lead to erectile dysfunction, but also conditions like anxiety, stress or a troublesome relationship.
It is naturally understood that erectile dysfunction is not something that can be ignored. Fortunately, there are many treatment options, but you might have some hard time in figuring out which one is a permanent and safe treatment. It is no use in following a treatment scheme that will only provide temporary results. The fact that you problem will show up again at some point or the other will only frustrate you more. When you notice that you indeed have an erectile problem and you are not just going through isolated episodes, the wisest thing you can do is to talk to your physician, especially if you also suffer of another medical condition.
Prescribed pills are available for people experiencing ED as a result of diabetes, high blood pressure or surgery. They are recommended by the doctor, after taking into consideration your overall health condition and other treatments you might be taking. They are generally considered safe, although they might have some side effects. Treatment for erectile dysfunction is also available over the counter. This is not considered very safe, especially that it is only recommended by the pharmacist. It might interact with other pills you are taking and it might affect your health in an unpleasant way. The side effects scare many men away.
Herbal remedies are considered by many a permanent and safe treatment for erectile dysfunction. They don't come with nasty side effects and the change for them to interact with other pills is significantly lower. However, it is still advisable to ask for the opinion of a specialist before taking them. Herbal supplements based on ayurvedic herbs are very effective in curing all sorts of sexual dysfunction and of providing you virility and energy.
Erectile dysfunctions are strongly connected with the lifestyle. In order to make sure that you will get rid of it for good, it is advisable to give up bad habits like smoking or constantly drinking alcohol. A healthy diet that ensures you vitamins, minerals and nutrients is also of help in having a normal sexual life.
Read more about Erectile Dysfunction Treatment. Also know about how to Increase Sperm Count.