Premature ejaculation accompanied with sexual weakness is a problem that a lot of men suffer from, all over the world. However, not many men are actually very open to discussing these problems with their partners or friends, let alone discuss them with doctors or experts. It has been found out via research that most men are not shy, but highly embarrassed to be discussing something like this, which is directly linked to their sexuality. Worse still, female partners of a lot of such men are aware that their partners face such problems, and themselves feel that they are not getting satisfactory and pleasurable intercourse sessions, yet they keep quiet about the issue, just to avoid confrontation. What happens as a result of such delay and neglect is that the problem then starts to worsen. And sooner or later, not only does this affect the man’s sexual and overall health, but also becomes the basis of relationship fights and marriage troubles.
While there are many different reasons and causes for sexual weakness and premature ejaculation, one of the most common and main reasons why this starts to happen is because of excessive masturbation. Men who have the habit of masturbating a lot to gain sexual pleasure do not realize when their habit turns into an obsession. And very soon, the obsession goes beyond the person’s control, when he starts to masturbate a lot, without even giving adequate time intervals between two masturbating sessions. This causes a lot of friction in the genital area, and makes the man sexually weak. The semen may start to get thinner, and the male organ size may also reduce. Also, there are chances of Nightfall and seminal discharge during urine.
Thus, the first step is to ensure that the man is occupied in different activities such as reading books, playing sports or games, solving puzzles, joining some hobby such as dancing classes etc., so that the mind is never left free to wander into sexually arousing thoughts. Effort should be made to keep the man away from anything that acts as a sexually arousing trigger. All these activities have two main benefits. One of course is that when the person is busy in different activities, which are not erotic, he is not having erotic thoughts, and thus, there is lesser desire to masturbate. Secondly, doing all these activities will tire out the person so much that he will instantly fall asleep in his bed at night, without the mind wandering into erotic thoughts.
Next, herbal supplements such as NF Cure capsules are highly effective and safe natural treatment for premature ejaculation. These can conveniently be consumed as per the dosage recommended on the pack. Since they are herbal, they are totally safe, and have no side effects. NF Cure capsules when consumed along with Shilajit work as an effective natural solution for treating semen leakage, over masturbation side effects and nocturnal emissions.
Many suggest that herbal oils such as Mast Mood oil can also be used to massage around the male organ for getting rid of such problems. The ballooning technique particularly works very well to deal with premature ejaculation and have a better male organ size and health. It also helps to make the sexual sessions more enjoyable due to better erection control.
Read more about Premature Ejaculation Treatment. Also know about Premature Ejaculation Cure.