Low or lack of libido is more common in females than males. This is usually a temporary problem due to some physical or emotional factors. For men it usually a physical factor involved, but for women both physical and emotional factors are attached to their desire for sexual intercourse. This is mainly due to the different hormones and their levels present in men and women.
To increase female libido, it is important to get to the cause first. For a physical factor causing low libido, it is important to get a medical check up to identify any underlying non sexual illness which may be causing the lack of libido. Other physical factors may be exertion, fatigue, certain medication, hormonal imbalances or alcoholism. Emotional or psychological factors may involve any of the following: depression, traumatic experiences, low self image or low self esteem. Once the reason has been figured out, steps can be taken to increase low female libido.
There are therapies like the estrogen and testosterone therapies to improve sex drive. Other than that, gels and ointments are available for local applications which claim to increase the desire for sex in women. There are capsules available as oral supplements which help the body overall thereby increase female libido. Many herbs are considered natural aphrodisiacs, and they can be taken to enhance the libido.
Some of the ways to improve sex drive quickly and naturally are as stated below.
1. Consume Aphrodisiac foods: First way would be to eat aphrodisiac foods. Aphrodisiac increase the sexual desire. Many foods have this effect in the human body can improve the sex drive naturally. Celery, Damiana, Ginseng, lettuce, dark chocolate, asparagus, strawberries, artichokes, anise and oysters are considered natural aphrodisiacs. Consumption of these goods are said to increase the libido.
2. Food containing Estrogens: The reason for a low female libido could be decrease in estrogen levels in the body. By consuming foods containing estrogens, one can improve sex drive in women. Some of the foods which contain natural estrogens are Apple, eggs, oats, olive oil, garlic, papaya, tomatoes, wheat, pumpkin, sage, fennel and flaxseeds.
3. Vitamin E: Vitamin E and zinc are required by the body for the proper functioning of the sex organs. This vitamin and mineral is known to increase libido.
4. Exercises: It is essential to keep the body fit to function properly. This will keep illness away, help to energize and a good body will help in boosting your self esteem and self image. All these factors help in enhancing the desire for sex.
5. Pelvic Strengthening: Kegels exercise help in strengthening the pelvic muscles in a female. Weak pelvic muscles can lead to uncomfortable lovemaking.
6. Foreplay: Foreplay is important for women in order to heighten their senses and being prepared for the act of sex. There are various techniques of foreplay which can be used to help improve sex drive quickly and naturally.
7. Romance: A romantic dinner or romantic outing can arouse a woman. Spend quality time with the woman and get romantic.
8. Female Libido Enhancers: Fantasy and Kamni capsules are leading herbal female libido enhancers that not only increase sex drive in women but also improve natural lubrication and sensation.
These steps can aid to increase female libido and improve sex drive quickly and naturally.
Find how to Increase Female Libido? Also know about Female Libido Enhancer.