General pain anywhere in the body can occur due to many reasons and can create other problems like insomnia and spasm. Natural remedies can address all the problems created by pain and relieve pain itself. Natural remedies do not have any adverse effects on health hence their frequent use casts no harm whereas other pain relieving medication may not be good for health if used frequently. Combination of different herbs can have all round effect over the causes of pain to treat the root cause of the problem to stop the occurrence of pain in future.
If pain is due to injury without a cut then hot and cold packs or moist hot packs are very useful natural remedies for reducing swelling and pain. Clean cotton cloth can be soaked in hot and cold water alternatively to apply hot and cold packs. Mustard seeds can be taken in a bag, heat this bag on a low flame and apply on the inflamed area, make sure that bag is heated within tolerable limit of the skin and it is not left for more than 15 minutes. Drinking chamomile tea 2-3 times in a day relaxes muscles and tissues of the body and treats body aches due to physical exertion effectively. Valerian tea, St john's wort and bromelain are excellent anti-inflammatory herbs which can release internal swellings and pain caused either by injury or physical strain or due to any disorder in the body.
For external and internal swellings massages of essential oils like peppermint oil, basil oil and eucalyptus oil is very beneficial as these oils have strong natural anti-inflammatory agents. Chewing licorice roots in raw form or preparing its tea consumed few times in a day also relieves pain by curing inflammation, external or internal. Guggul has been used in Ayurveda since ancient times for pain relief this can be used in raw form or as a supplement. Topical application of capsaicin creams made up of cayenne pepper are excellent natural remedy for pain relief, cayenne pepper has properties to inhibit pain signals from passing onto the brains which gives the sufferer immediate relief from any sort of pain.
Mixture of tinctures of cramp bark and black haw is an excellent natural pain relieving remedy, this remedy can relieve any spasmodic pain, 1-4 drops of mixture shall be taken three times a day for three days. Drinking ginger tea made by slicing a piece of ginger of thumb size and boiling it with a glass of water and later leaving it on a low flame for 30 minutes. Later water can be consumed after straining out ginger for immediate pain relief. Angelica roots are also very effective in treating and relieving pain, one tablespoon of angelica roots shall be boiled with a pint of water in covered utensil for at least 30 minutes. Later allow it to cool down to room temperature and strain it to consume the water in three doses in a day. Rosemary tea is also effective natural pain relieving remedy, it can be made by using one tablespoon of this herb mixed with 250 ml of water and boiled for thirty minutes, consume this as hot as possible before going to bed and take one more cup again in the morning.
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