When the mucous membrane that covers the digestive organs becomes weak a person suffers from peptic ulcer. He experiences abdominal pain especially in the inner area of his stomach. Persons who have a stomach infection or have acidity problems often confront with this disease. People of all ages can suffer from this disease.
The most common causes that lead to peptic ulcer are smoking, alcohol consumption, stress and an unhealthy life style. Junk food, bad eating habits, food poisoning or acidity and some side effects of some medicines can also lead to this disease.
This ulcer characterizes through a serious abdominal pain, blood release through stools, weakness, vomiting, pain in heart and chest, lack of appetite, and sleeping problems.
Persons who suffer from peptic ulcer can take the advantages offered by some home remedies. For example fenugreek seeds (mehi) are known to be very efficient. The remedy can be prepared very easy: boil 2 or 3 tablespoons of fenugreek seed in a glass of water and add a little soil. Boil the mixture until it remains half from its constituent. The mixture is taken 2 or three times a day until the ulcer is completely cured.
There are some fruits that proved to be a great remedy for peptic ulcer. Banana, for example, has the property lo lower the acidic substances in the body. Mix 2 or 3 bananas with a glass of milk and take the mixture 5 times every day.
1. Wood apple is very beneficial, too, taking into account that it has the same properties as banana. Keep few leaves of wood apple in water over night. Drain the solution and take it several times a day.
2. Daily milk consumption has proved to be a great remedy for ulcer. 2-3 glasses of warm milk taken daily will offer a great relief. A few grams of castor oil mixed with warm milk are also very helpful.
3. Lemon juice or lemon extract is another natural remedy for peptic ulcer. Prepare a fresh lemon juice, add little salt and dink it daily. It helps in your digestion and it is a great remedy for peptic ulcer.
There are some vegetables that proved to be very beneficial in treating peptic ulcer. For example cabbage is often used as a natural remedy for peptic ulcer.
1. Take a cabbage and cut it is small pieces and boil it in water until the constituent remain half. Add little pepper. Then drain it and drink the mixture 3 times every day. You can also prepare cabbage juice. Take a cabbage and cut it in small pieces. Then squeeze it and drink the juice. It is recommended to drink it early in the morning before eating and then before every meal.
2. The leaves of drumstick have proved to be a beneficial remedy for peptic ulcer. Try to obtain a paste from 15 or 20 drumstick leaves and mix it with fresh curd. Take the paste two or three times every day.
3. Golden seal root and slipper elm are some of the herbs that can be used successfully in treatment of ulcer.
Read more Home Remedies for Peptic Ulcer. Also know effective Herbal Remedies for Nephritis.