Monday, June 6, 2011

Food Poisoning - Causes And Home Remedies

Food poisoning may be defined as a food borne gastrointestinal disorder. It occurs when one consumes stale or contaminated food. In certain cases of food poisoning, the kidney, muscle and even brain are affected. Vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea are the major symptoms of food poisoning. For some, it can also cause itching, facial swelling, breathing difficulty, numbness, tingling sensation, headache, body ache, fever, unconsciousness, hallucinations and difficulty in swallowing.

The person suffering from this condition is at the risk of getting dehydrated or developing electrolyte abnormalities. It is of the following types: staphylococcal food poisoning (caused by the toxic substance produced by bacteria in the food), scombroid poisoning (caused by the fish borne chemical histamine), E.Coli food poisoning (caused by infectious agents in food substances). The causes of this may be listed as follows:

1. Poorly cooked or stored food
2. Infected, unwashed hands of food handlers.
3. Poor packaging and storing of food at wrong temperatures.
4. Rusted knife or chopper used for cutting food items.
5. Bacteria thriving on food
6. Parasites thriving on food
7. Toxins such as poisonous mushrooms, pesticides etc in food.
8. Fungus thriving on food
9. Viruses thriving on food
10. Contaminated water
11. Food allergy
12. Excessive alcohol intake.

Home Remedies

1. Mix 1 teaspoon poppy seeds, 1 teaspoon cardamom powder, 1 teaspoon edible gum, 2 teaspoon sugar and half teaspoon nutmeg powder. Grind the mixture to powder and consume 1 teaspoon of the powder every 2 hours. This is an effective home remedy for this condition.

2. Mix ginger with buttermilk and crush it in to a paste. Take the paste thrice a day. This proves quite helpful for a person suffering from this condition.

3. Cut raw papaya in to small cubes. Boil them in 1-2 glasses of water for 20 minutes. Drain the mixture and drink it frequently through out the day. This remedy fights this problem effectively.

4. Mix 2-3 tablespoon of ginger extracts in a glass of lemon juice. Add a pinch of black pepper powder and drink the mixture thrice a day to get relief from this condition.

5. A glass of warm water gives immediate relief from abdominal cramps and vomiting which greatly torment a patient of food poisoning.

6. Mix 15-20 powdered cumin seeds and powdered fenugreek seed. Add the powdered mixture to half cup fresh curd and take. This checks food poisoning.

7. Mix 3 tablespoon basil leaf juice in to half cup fresh curd. Add black salt and black pepper. Take the mixture twice daily. This soothes irritant stomach and cures this condition.

8. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in to a glass of warm water and drink. This relieves food poisoning.

9. Drinking pomegranate juice alleviates this disorders.

10. Mix 1 part of Soya oil and 1 part of garlic oil and rub on stomach after meals to get rid of this condition.

These are the few safe and effective home remedies to treat this condition naturally without any side effects.

Read more Home Remedies for Food Poisoning. Also know useful Home Remedies for Fibromyalgia.