Back pain can immensely affect the quality of the life of an individual. It limits your movements and makes you unable to lead a normal life. The most common symptoms of back pain often include stabbing pain, muscular pain, failure to stand upright, and restricted range of motion of back. In certain cases, the back pain radiates down to the legs. The backache can be caused by a number of factors, such as muscle or ligament strain, an uncomfortable movement, weight lifting, disk abnormalities, osteoporosis, arthritis, and spinal problems. Typically, the backache is treated with over-the counter medications or physical therapy. However, there are certain home remedies for back pain that you can use to successfully reduce your pain.
One of the most successful ways to get relief from back pain is to apply ice massage. Several drug stores now offer various kinds of commercial ice packs. A homemade ice pack or a frozen towel can also be used to apply ice massage. The patient has to lie down in supine position. Place a pillow under his or her hips and gently move the ice pack in circular motion over the affected area. Be careful not to apply ice directly to the spinal bony structures. Also, avoid using ice pack for more than twenty minutes. However, you can do this massage many times a day. It should be not noted that ice message therapy is not recommended for those with rheumatoid arthritis, reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome or shoulder-hand syndrome, or coldness issues.
Heat therapy is another effective one among the home remedies for back pain. It has been noted that this type of therapy is very helpful to minimize back spasms and to lessen back stiffness. However, you should not use this therapy if you have a swollen lower back, open cut, DVT or deep venous thrombosis, peripheral arterial disease, dermatitis, diabetes mellitus, or severe cognitive impairment. Applying turpentine oil or mint oil on your back can also help alleviate the symptoms of backache.
Garlic has traditionally been used as a natural remedy for backache. Try to eat two or three garlic cloves everyday in the morning. Garlic oil has been proven to be effective to ease the symptoms of backache. Take ten garlic gloves and fry them in four tablespoons of coconut, sesame, or mustard oil until golden brown. Turn off the fire and let the oil cool. When the gastric oil is cool enough to use, apply it on your back. Another way to reduce the symptoms of backache is to massage your back with eucalyptus oil.
If you suffer from chronic backache, it is very important to control your weight, as obesity can lead to back pain. You should also avoid carrying heavy objects. There are also certain exercises that can help improve back pain. Lemon is also considered as one of the home remedies for back pain. Take lemon juice and add some salt to it. Consume this twice a day. Another way to reduce back pain is to make a mixture of equal amounts of khas khas and sugar candy and have it along with milk.
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