Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction that You Ought to Know

The problem of erectile dysfunction is treatable in almost all the cases but there is need to understand and analyze the symptoms of this problem at early stage to avoid any further complications. Erectile dysfunction is very common problem amongst male, recently, change in lifestyle and jumbled daily routine has increased the chances of more people suffering from this problem.

Any male unable to achieve sufficient stiffness in the male reproductive organ even after arousal and under appropriate circumstances for lovemaking may be suffering from erectile dysfunction. Occasionally almost everyone faces such situation in his lifetime but frequent episodes of this and if problem continues for more than couple of weeks then medical advice is necessary. If a male is suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, depression or anxiety and has started taking certain medicine for treating any of these problems and soon after starting this medication faces problems related to erection or have weak erection, shall inform about this to his doctor. It has been found that certain medicines generally prescribed to treat these problems may initiate problem of ED.

Evidences have shown that people suffering from ED initially attain sufficient stiffness in the genitals but are unable to hold it for satisfying duration. This is also a symptom of erectile dysfunction. This situation suggests that sponge like tissues present in the male genitals are unable to hold the blood for sufficient duration which signifies weakness in the reproductive organs.

Low libido in males or lack of desire for lovemaking can occur due to many reasons which may be psychological or physical and low libido can cause episodes of erectile dysfunction too. It becomes difficult to identify that problem is of low libido or erectile dysfunction, medical expert advice is necessary if one has reduced fantasies of lovemaking, lack of interest in these activities and irritation or lesser interest in the activities which use to arouse him previously.

Problems like hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism causes hormonal imbalance which cause lack of testosterone hormone production to reduce the desire for lovemaking and increase lethargy and reduce energy levels. With the advent of thyroid related problems reduced desire for lovemaking or inability to achieve sufficient erections during the act can be a symptom of erectile dysfunction. Any disease that disturbs the vascular, nervous and hormonal system of the body and accompanied by problems related to erection can be a symptom of erectile dysfunction. If there are any issues with the partner those shall be resolved by communicating one's feelings to her and more transparency shall be brought in the relationship.

Lazy erections are also symptoms of erectile dysfunction where person gets erection but either it is lost when it is needed most or it is too weak to perform. These situations occurring frequently or continuing for more than two weeks need immediate medical attention. Some people are unable to perform lovemaking act due to weak erection or lazy erection but achieve full and hard erection while they are asleep or when aroused by auditory or visual stimulation this suggests that may be psychological reasons are stopping a person from performing but internal system is working well.

Find powerful herbal Erectile Dysfunction Pills to improve lovemaking performance. Read the benefits of Shilajit for enhancing libido.