Friday, October 7, 2011

Herbal Remedies For Diabetes - Controlling The Level Of Blood Sugar

In recent years, diabetes is spreading rapidly in world wide. One person out of every three is suffering from the diabetes. There are two types of diabetes - Type 1, which is known as insulin dependent and Type 2 which is known as non-insulin dependent diabetes. In type 1, our body is unable to produce insulin but in Type 2, our body produces insulin but it is not sufficient to meet the requirement of the body to normal levels.

For Type 2 diabetes, you may try to cure from home and herbal remedies for diabetes. Before starting any medicine for it, you may first go for herbal remedies for diabetes. There are many home and herbal remedies for diabetes. You may try some of these home and herbal remedies for diabetes which suits you the best.

1. Amla is very effective in controlling the diabetes. For this remedy you have to take a tablespoon of amla juice in a cup of fresh bitter-gourd juice. Take this juice regularly for two to three months. You may get effective and wonder result just after two months of starting this remedy.

2. You can also try this remedy. Tale ten leaves of tulsi, ten leaves of neem and ten leaves of belpatras with a glass of water in early morning in an empty stomach daily. It is a good natural remedy for diabetes which will keep your sugar levels under control.

3. You can also take two teaspoons of powdered fenugreek seeds with milk. You can also swallow the seeds of fenugreek as a whole. Fenugreek in any form is very much effective in controlling the level of blood sugar.

4. Bitter gourd is said to be a best remedy for diabetes. You can take this it in the form of vegetables or you can also take a tablespoon of bitter juice daily in order to reduce the level of sugar in your blood as well as in urine.

5. Black berry which is known as kala jamun is very much effective in controlling the blood sugar. Black berry in any form, its bark, its leaves, its fruit and its seed, everything is very much effective in controlling your blood sugar.

6. You can also take unboiled milk mixed with equal quantity of water daily in the early morning in an empty stomach. This remedy will also give you very good result.

Apart from these remedies, diet and regular exercises are very much important for diabetic.

Read about Herbal Treatment for Diabetes, Glycosuria. Also know powerful Herbal Treatment for Loose Vagina.