Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Can I Tighten My Vagina Naturally and Effectively Without Surgery?

There are lots of women who are in search of a solution to how to tighten loose vagina without surgery. Vaginal loosening is a common problem faced by women, especially after childbirth. Other factors that can cause the sagging of muscles of the female genital organ include repeated sex, menopause, and aging. This problem can make a woman unable to enjoy sexual activity with her partner or husband. Her partner may also feel unsatisfied. A serious complication associated with loosening of the muscles of female genital area is that this condition can contribute to prolapse later in life. It may also result in air going in and out of the vagina.

A reconstructive plastic surgery, known as vaginoplasty, can be done to tighten the muscles of the female genitalia. Although this surgical procedure can help restore the tightness of the vaginal muscles and thereby improve the sexual experience, it is not a completely safe procedure and can lead to several complications, such as infection, bleeding, anesthetic complications, painful sexual activity, loss of sensation, and scarring. You may feel some pain and discomfort for a few days after surgery. You should also avoid sexual activity until your incisions are healed or your doctor gives permission.

Can I Tighten My Vagina Naturally Without Surgery: If you are not interested in having a surgery to repair your loose vagina, there are some other ways to tighten the muscles of your genital area. Using a good quality vaginal tightening cream can most probably help reinstate the tightness of your vaginal muscles and to enhance your and your partner's sexual pleasure. Try to buy a tightening cream that contains harmless, but effective ingredients and use it as recommended by the manufacturer. Vaginal tightening sprays are also now available in the market.

However, the simplest and the most effective way to tighten loose vagina and to increase the sexual pleasure is to do regular Kegel exercises. These exercises are proven to be very effective to tone and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. It is these muscles that hold your uterus, bladder, and bowel. Kegel exercises are also very beneficial to women who suffer from urinary incontinence. After emptying your bladder, sit on a chair or lie down and tighten and lift your pelvic floor muscles for a count of ten. Then, loosen up for a count of ten. Perform ten repetitions, three times a day.

Avoid overdoing Kegel exercises, as it can result in urine leakage and muscle tiredness. Remember to take deep breaths while you are doing these exercises. Also, make sure not to tighten your chest, abdominal, thigh, or buttock muscles. If you have any difficulty in locating your pelvic floor muscles, seek help from your medical care provider. Another effective means to tighten loose vagina is to insert a vaginal cone into your and hold it there for about fifteen minutes. You have to do it two times a day.

Find effective ways to Tighten Loose Vagina. Also know herbal Vaginal Tightening Pills Tablets.