Sunday, March 18, 2012

Major Causes And Herbal Remedies For Low Sperm Count

If a couple fails to beget child, it is often thought that the female partner has some problem. But recent statistical data reveals a different picture. It has been seen that many couples are infertile because the man has a low sperm count. Sperm or spermatozoon is the male reproductive cell or gamete that is ejaculated during sexual union. It fuses with the female ovum or egg to fertilize it. The fertilization leads to the development of the fetus and the woman becomes pregnant once the fetus gets implanted on the womb of the woman. In other words sperm plays a vital role in allowing woman to conceive. Out of millions of sperm, only few can reach the egg and finally one fertilizes it. Therefore if the count is low or if the man is suffering from oligospermia, couples may face problems in conceiving.

The common causes of low sperm count are:

1. Variocele or varicose vein of the testicular veins.
2. Overheating of testicles due to exposure to saunas, hot bath, tight underpants.
3. Aging and age-related decline of the testosterone hormone.
4. Drug addiction
5. Smoking
6. Excessive bicycling
7. Alcohol intake
8. Stress
9. Obesity
10. Nutritional deficiencies
11. Excessive use of lubricants during mating
12. Excessive exposure to toxins and chemicals
13. Genetic malformations in the male reproductive tissues.

Herbal remedies for low sperm count:

1. Tribulus terrestris increases the sperm count tremendously. If a man with oligospermia consumes this herb, a huge number of healthy sperms will throng his semen every time he ejaculates. Therefore tribulus terrestris is a great male fertility herb.

2. Ginseng triggers the production of sex hormones in males. This increases the man's count, improves sperm quality and also increases his libido amazingly.

3. Mucuna Pruriens is a herb that boosts count, libido and sexual capacity. It also improves muscle functioning in the male reproductive organs

4. Saw palmetto tones the male hormone producing glands, strengthens the male reproductive system and increases count.

5. Shilajit is a wonder herb reputed for enhancing the overall sexual performance of man. It increases sperm count and at the same time addresses all other male sexual issues.

6. Maca root nourishes the male reproductive system with the appropriate nutrient and improves its functioning. It is a very effective herbal remedy for oligospermia or poor sperm quality and quantity.

So these are some great herbal remedies for low sperm count.

Read about Herbal Treatment for Low Sperm Count. Also know effective Erectile Dysfunction Remedy.