The condition of premature ejaculation and nightfall condition are common these days. The premature ejaculation is commonly called as rapid ejaculation or untimely ejaculation. And, nightfall condition is clinically known as wet dreams or nocturnal emission. Moreover, the habit of masturbation or hand practice is very healthy and pleasure giving unless the frequency of hand practice does not exceed the limit of the body. The recommended frequency of hand practice is 4 to 6 times in a month. However, when the frequency exceeds the advised limit; the habit is called excessive hand practice or over masturbation. In such cases a person has to suffer from premature ejaculation and nightfall due to over masturbation.
First of all it is important to understand about the condition of rapid ejaculation and nocturnal emission. Firstly, in the rapid ejaculation condition a person ejaculates seminal fluid as soon as the lovemaking starts. In addition, the ejaculation of semen within 10 minutes of foreplay or lovemaking is also considered as untimely ejaculation condition. This unpleasant condition leaves the spouse and the person himself in the condition of dissatisfaction. The herbal supplements are very helpful in such conditions as they are capable to treat the condition effectively.
Secondly, in the condition of nocturnal emission as person ejaculates semen every night. Moreover, this condition is more harmful because continues loss of semen may lead to more sexual weaknesses, for instance erectile dysfunction. In addition, due to fatal effects of this condition it is important to treat it as soon as possible and the herbal treatment for premature ejaculation and nightfall due to over masturbation is capable in treating these disorders very effectively.
The occurrence of premature ejaculation and nightfall is due to over masturbation habit. The studies show that in 75 percent cases the prime cause for rapid ejaculation and wet dreams is excessive hand practice. The habit of excessive hand practices weakens the sexual nerve, which is parasympathetic nerve. In addition, this habit increases the flow of sex hormones. Also, it affects the adrenal glands and neurotransmitters. Moreover, due to all the affects of excessive hand practice, imbalances the chemistry of the body and give rise to such unwanted conditions. The herbal supplements are tried and tested over premature ejaculation and nightfall due to over masturbation, and the herbal supplements are found to be most effective for treating these unpleasant conditions.
Few herbs may be very useful to recover from these unwanted conditions. The most effective herb is shilajit. According to its name it can conquer the rock hard situations, such as premature ejaculation and nightfall due to over masturbation. Moreover, this herb will help to retain the sexual health lost by excessive hand practice. In addition, this herb will help the neurotransmitters to work efficiently. Secondly, the other effective herb is ashwagandha. This herb is helpful in strengthening the parasympathetic nerve. Also, it will help the adrenal gland to work properly. To summarize, the two herbs that are mentioned will help to balance the body chemistry. Also these herbs will reverse the adverse effects of excessive hand practice. Moreover, it is also important to reduce the habit of excessive hand practice in order to attain complete cure from premature ejaculation and nightfall due to over masturbation.
Read about Premature Ejaculation Treatment. Also know effective Premature Ejaculation Remedy.