Monday, July 25, 2011

Best Herbal Product For Vaginal Tightening - Treat Sagging Of Vaginal Muscles

The sexual act is a vital aspect of man-woman relationship. It provides great pleasure to both partners and strengthens the bond of love between them. The age-old concept that man is the initiator in sexual act and usually enjoys an upper hand whereas woman is at the receiving end, no longer holds good. Today's women are aware of their sexuality and can openly talk about their needs. They are eager to enhance their sensuality in order to seduce their man; they are eager to sharpen their sexual skills in order to please their man and be more desirable to him.

Sexual gratification of both partners depends a lot on the close skin to skin grip and friction during penetration. Absence of grip makes the act bereft of pleasure and reduces sexual sensations. Absence of grip occurs mainly due to the looseness of female vagina which is a major problem post-pregnancy or as the woman ages. In other words, during vaginal child-birth, the muscles and tissues of the vagina get stretched much to accommodate the baby as it slips out. This causes the muscles to lose elasticity and become flaccid. Also, as a woman ages, the declining level of female hormones causes the vagina to lack lubrication and become dry. The dryness also leads to the sagging of vaginal muscles, de-shaping and looseness. Frequent rough sex is another cause of vaginal loosening.

For women who are really embarrassed because of their loose vagina, there is good news. These days, the market offers a number of vaginal tightening products, some of which are quite effective. Lady Secret serum is one such vaginal tightening product that enjoys great name and fame. It is safe, free from harmful side-effects, being purely herbal in composition. It is in fact, the best herbal product for vaginal tightening. Choose Lady Secret serum and stop your man from complaining about your loose vagina.

The product contains herbs notable for their effectiveness and recognized by the Indo-Thai herbal science. It tautens and tightens vagina, provides firmer grip and explosive pleasure during copulation. The tightness will make you feel young again. The product shrinks vagina, restores original size, and enhances sexual sensitivity. The Phyto-estrogen formula of the product revives vaginal lubrication and alleviates dryness. The product galvanizes G-spots only to provide most intimate bliss. It increases vaginal flow, prevents excessive vaginal mucus, safeguards vagina from microbial pathogens, checks soreness and foul smell and promotes overall constriction of the vaginal channel.

Lady secret serum acts fast. It will tighten your vagina within 30 minutes of usage. You will feel for yourself the contractions in your vagina and titillation of G-spots. Do not rinse vagina with water immediately after usage, for it will reduce the impact of the cream. Counter the aging process and resuscitate youthfulness with Lady Secret serum.

Read about Vaginal Tightening Cream. Also know how to Increase Female Libido.