Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Home Remedies For Hives - Treating This Condition Without Causing Any Side Effects

In the condition of hives, our body develops rashes which are pale red, itchy and raised. This uncomfortable condition can be treated with the help of some very effective home remedies for hives. In addition, this irritating condition is also recognized as urticaria. Moreover, there are two type of urticaria. The first type is known as acute urticaria, and the second type is recognized as chronic urticaria. In addition, the most cases of acute urticaria usually last only for few weeks. But, when this problematic condition lasts for more than six weeks, the patient must consult a general practitioner because the chronic utricaria occurs due to allergic reaction. However, the home remedies for hives can effectually treat the acute urticaria.

There are many causes for occurrence of this baffling condition. Firstly, the prime cause for utricaria is allergic reaction. Moreover, when our body is allergic to certain substances, it releases a chemical which known as histamine. The histamine fights the allergy, and protects our body. The home remedies for hives will treat the allergic reaction very efficiently. Secondly, this condition may also occur due to some medications, for instance anti-diabetic drugs. Thirdly, reaction to body heat can also trigger utricaria, for example after hot shower rashes may occur due to sudden change in the temperature of body. Others include reaction to water, reaction to cold, reaction to hot food, reaction to sunlight. In addition, the home remedies for hives are found to very effective in treating this condition without causing any side effects.

The most common symptom for urticaria is welts, which may spread with itching. Moreover, the size of the welts may increase, and it may also occur in clusters. In addition, welts may also disappear and reappear in few minutes or few hours. Moreover, after few hours the center of these welts may turn white. The home remedies for hives will not only treat the welts, but it will also relieve the itching. However, there are many homemade remedies for this condition, but few very effective home remedies for hives are mentioned ahead.

1. Mix half cup of corn starch, and half cup of baking soda. Add this mixture in a tub of warm water. Soak yourself in the tub to relieve the itching.

2. Peel a leaf of the aloe vera. Apply the pulp on the affected areas. It is a tested remedy to treat the welts.

3. Mix 2 cups of oatmeal with 3 teaspoons of cornstarch. Add lukewarm water to form paste. Apply this paste on the affected areas, and leave it for half an hour. This remedy will dry up the welts within few hours.

4. Add few drops of grape seed extract in 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Apply this mixture on the affected areas to quicken the healing process.

5. Damp a cotton ball in cold milk, and apply it on the affected areas. Leave it on affected areas for 15 minutes, and then rinse with water. Use this simple remedy several times a day.

6. Wrap few ice cubes in a towel, and place it on affected areas for 5 minutes. Do it several times a day to quicken healing process.

Read more Home Remedies for Hives. Also know useful Home Remedies for Gallstones.