Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Home Remedies For Vaginal Infection - Control Fungus Candida Ablicans Naturally

Vaginal infections are quite common in a woman's life. When pathogenic organisms like bacteria, fungi, parasites or viruses thrive and multiply in and around the vagina, vaginal infections crop up. Lowering of acidity of the vagina makes it susceptible to the growth of these pathogenic organisms. Some of the common vaginal infections are discussed below:

1. Thrush - Thrush or vaginal candidiasis is caused by the multiplying of the fungus Candida ablicans in the vagina.

2. Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) - BV is caused by the multiplying of the bacterium Gardnerella Vaginalis. BV if not checked timely, may lead to complications like miscarriages, pre-mature labor, pelvic inflammatory disease, delivery of low birth weight baby etc.

3. Trichomoniasis - Trichomoniasis is caused by the growth of a parasite Trichomonas Vaginalis. This infection may not produce any symptom. Women with this infection are at the risk of pre-mature labor and delivering of low birth weight baby.

4. Chlamydia - This is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia Trachomatis. It causes much damage to the cells lining the cervix and other tissues. It usually produces no system. The infection may spread to the woman’s uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. Chlamydia may lead to complications like pelvic inflammatory disease, entopic pregnancy, infertility etc.

5. Gonorrhea - This is caused by the bacterium Neisseria Gonorrhoeae. This type shows up symptoms within 2 weeks of infection.

6. Genital herpes - This infection is caused by Herpes simplex virus or HSV.

7. Genital warts - This infection is caused by human papilloma virus.

The possible triggers for vaginal infections could be stress, hormonal changes, unprotected sexual intercourse, having multiple sexual partners, use of perfumed soaps or female hygiene sprays, use of intra-uterine systems (IUS or coil), medications like antibiotics and birth-control pills, pregnancy, wearing of tight underwear, ailments like diabetes, existence of foreign body such as forgotten tampons etc. The general symptoms of vaginal infections may be listed as follows:

1. Pain during urination
2. Pain during sex
3. Bleeding after sex
4. Bleeding between periods
5. Excessive discharge which could be greenish yellow or gray in color.
6. Discharge having unpleasant fishy odor
7. Soreness of vulva
8. Ulceration of vulva
9. Redness of vulva
10. Vaginal itching
11. Lower abdominal pain
12. Painful lumps, blisters in and around vagina
13. Mild fever.

Home Remedies for Vaginal Infection

1. Insert a tampon soaked in yoghurt in to the vagina and keep for sometime. This is an effective home remedy for vaginal infections. Also consume a bowl of yoghurt daily to defend yourself against any vaginal infection.

2. Drink glassful of cranberry juice daily to keep vaginal infections at bay. Also consume cranberries on a daily basis.

3. Soak in a bathtub of warm water. This will prevent the pathogenic organisms from multiplying. After bath, remember to dry the vagina thoroughly.

4. Keep frozen teabags on vagina. Change them every 1 hour. This will alleviate infection borne vaginal itching.

5. Apply cold compress to the vagina. This will improve blood circulation in the area and protect it against pathogenic organisms.

6. Mix triphala powder in water and wash vagina with the solution. This will minimize the annoying symptoms of infection.

7. Wash your undergarments separately and rinse them with ample water so that no soap remains on them.

8. Wear cotton undergarments and change them regularly.

9. Avoid using perfumed soaps and hygiene sprays and vaginal douches.

10. Clean the vagina thoroughly after sexual union.

11. Tell your partner to use condom in order to avoid sexually transmitted infections.

12. During menses use good quality pads or else chances of infection will rise.

13. Dust your vagina daily with an anti-fungal or anti-bacterial powder. This will check the growth of pathogenic organisms.

Read more Home Remedies for Vaginal Yeast Infection. Also know useful Home Remedies for Whiteheads.