Saturday, September 17, 2011

Reasons for Nocturnal Emission or Involuntary Ejaculation During Sleep

Nocturnal emission is also recognized as involuntary ejaculation, and it occurs during sleep. In addition, it is a completely natural process of the body that takes place due to many reasons. Moreover, involuntary ejaculation is completely normal, and it acts as a spontaneous orgasm to satisfy the intense needs of the body. And, this process is more common in teenage males. Also, it is an important process for the development of reproductive organs of an adolescent male. Furthermore, the reason for nocturnal emissions is that the body of a male is partly designed for involuntary ejaculation since a male need to ejaculate reproductive fluids from time to time. Additionally, this process basically suggests that the amount of reproductive fluids has increased too much and body needs to get rid of it.

Besides, the most common reason for nocturnal emissions is romantic dream imagery. Furthermore, when a male gets too much involved in the thoughts of lovemaking, the amount of testosterones increases that stimulates the production reproductive fluids. And, the reproductive fluids get ejaculated through involuntary ejaculation process when the reproductive organs are unable to hold the excess amount of fluids. Moreover, romantic dreams also occur when a male is unsatisfied even after lovemaking has concluded. So, the tension created in the reproductive organs is released after involuntary ejaculation of reproductive fluids.

However, development process of reproductive organs of an adolescent male is another reason for nocturnal emissions. During puberty, the reproductive system is undergoing a process of development, and involuntary ejaculation is important for the complete development of reproductive system. Moreover, at the time of teenage a male is unaware about the certain needs of the body due to which the body satisfy such needs through involuntary ejaculation. Also, this process suggests that a teenager is getting ready to enter his adulthood.

Nevertheless, stimulation of a male organ by bed sheet, or blanket is also the most common reason for nocturnal emissions. Moreover, a male can experience arousal by physical stimulation like rubbing against blankets, which can lead to involuntary ejaculation. And, one of the many reason for nocturnal emissions is full bladder. Furthermore, full bladder can stimulate the male organ due to which a male can experience involuntary ejaculation.

In conclusion, any reason for nocturnal emissions cannot prevent a male from facing physical and psychological complication if the frequency of the involuntary ejaculation is more than 2 to 5 times in a month. Moreover, it is helpful to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In particular, males must avoid the sedentary lifestyle since such lifestyle is potentially harmful for the reproductive organs. In addition, it is also beneficial to avoid alcohol as it affects the production of testosterones which is an essential hormone for a healthy reproductive system. Furthermore, avoid smoking to prevent any potential damage to the physical health that can affect the male fertility. Also, avoid foods that are cooked in too much oil and with many spices. Finally, develop the habit of exercising for 1 hour on regular basis because it will not only help to maintain the physical health but also to regulate the normal working of the reproductive organs.

Read effective Nocturnal Emission Treatment. Also know how Herbal Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction helps improve erection quality.