Monday, September 26, 2011

What Is The Cause Of Low Sperm Count Oligospermia

Before explaining what is the cause of low sperm count Oligospermia it is better to understand what is meant by the term "Oligospermia". If you have less than 20 million sperm per milliliter of your semen, you are deemed to have a low sperm count. This condition, medically known as oligospermia, does not make you totally infertile, as an ovum requires only one sperm to get fertilized. Even then, having a low sperm can definitely decrease your chances of producing a baby and there are a number of couples who are unable to conceive due to an inadequate number of sperms in the male semen. It can be associated with certain other symptoms, such as pain and swelling in the area of testicles, less facial and body hair, and sexual problems like low sex drive, less interest in lovemaking and erectile dysfunction.

What is The Cause of Low Sperm Count Oligospermia: This low sperm count problem can be caused by a number of reasons. Some of the factors that can affect your sperm production are age, psychological stress, excessive drinking of alcohol, smoking, abuse of illegal drugs, being underweight, and obesity. Taking testosterone replacement therapy, chemotherapy, and some prescription drugs and long-term use of anabolic steroid medications can also result in lower sperm count.

It has been noted that people with certain medial conditions are more likely to have low sperm counts. These conditions include undescended testicles, defects in the sperm ducts, vasectomy, anti-sperm antibodies, retrograde or lack of ejaculation, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, swelling of the veins in the scrotum, inflammation of prostate, and urinary tract infections. Other medical problems that can contribute to decreased sperm production are sexually transmitted infections, mumps, celiac disease of small intestine, hormone disparities, vitamin deficiency, tumors, and inherited chromosome defects.

It is easier to avoid risk factors if you know what the cause of oligospermia is. Excessive exposure of the testicles to heat sources may also cause lower sperm count. Prolonged use of hot buts, steam baths, and saunas are not good for your sperm production. Another major risk factor for low sperm count is exposure to some harmful substances, such as radiation, heavy metals, and certain pesticides. Additionally, wearing tight undergarments, placing a laptop on the lap for a long period of time, sitting for extended periods of time, and excessive bicycle riding can also lead to this problem.

Sometimes, it may be difficult to determine what the cause of oligospermia is. Low sperm count is fortunately a curable sexual condition. Try to keep an ideal body weight and eat a healthy diet that includes foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants like vitamin C, Vitamin E, zinc, and selenium. A best way to improve your sperm count is to use a powerful and potent herbal supplement. Musli Strong and Night Fire capsules are two of the most effective herbal supplements available today for low sperm count. Both these products contain herbs with aphrodisiac properties and can help improve your fertility and sex drive.

Read effective Herbal Treatment for Low Sperm Count. Also know Herbal Sex Pills for Men.