Saturday, February 26, 2011

10 Arthritis Home Remedies to Treat This Condition

The word 'arthritis' is a combination of the Greek words 'arthro' meaning joint and 'itis' with the meaning inflammation. Therefore arthritis is a joint disorder affecting the bones and muscles at a joint. A joint that has been attacked by arthritis is usually very painful, stiff and swollen. Arthritis may be so painful at times that it may interfere with daily routine of activities and restrict movement to a large extent.

Our joints lie within capsules filled with synovial fluid. The bone heads meeting at a joint bear cartilages serving as cushions and enabling friction less movement of bones at the joint. When cartilages degenerate, friction occurs between bones which may as a result get reduced to spurs or osteophytes. Aging causes natural degeneration of cartilages due to weakening. Obesity, history of previous injury, genetic grounds, bone infection, repetitive movements, calcium deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, damp environmental conditions and stress are other factors causing arthritis. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the commonest types of arthritis.

Osteoarthritis occurs due to cartilage degeneration caused by aging of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis affects young aged people and occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly invades joints. Infectious arthritis occurs when infection from other parts of body spreads to the joint. Gout is another type that occurs due to crystallization of uric acid within joints. Joints like knee, hip, spine and shoulder easily come within the clutches of arthritis.

Symptoms of Arthritis

1. Painful joints
2. Swollen joints
3. Stiff joints
4. Redness of skin around joints
5. Warmth and tenderness
6. Deformity at the joint
7. Crepitus
8. Constipation
9. Fever
10. Colitis
11. Anemia
12. Fatigue
13. Weight loss
14. Swollen lymph nodes.

Home Remedies

1. Taking 6.50 grams of powdered ginger can help to treat arthritic conditions.

2. Epsom salt bath can treat well stiff and swollen joints.

3. Castor oil can serve as an effective rub for joints affected by arthritis.

4. One may mix 10 grams of camphor in to 200 grams of mustard oil, store it in a bottle with a tight cork and keep the mixture in the sun so that the camphor dissolves completely. Massaging the joints with this mixture would be quite beneficial.

5. Soaking the body in a tub of warm water before going to bed at night would reduce stiffness of joints and muscles. Sea salt may be added to the water for best results.

6. Massaging aching joints with hot vinegar can be quite beneficial.

7. Drinking freshly extracted potato juice diluted with water can treat arthritis well.

8. Sea bathing is an effective arthritis treatment.

9. Rubbing ailing joints with chamomile essential oil can yield good results. Chamomile has analgesic properties.

10. Tight bandages should not be worn over joints because that would thwart the blood circulation and make joints stiffer.

Read more Home Remedies for Arthritis. Also know effective Home Remedies for Baldness.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cure Erectile Dysfunction and Sexual Weakness Naturally and Permanently

Some men experience erectile dysfunction which is basically a condition of inability of getting an erection and sustaining it long enough for sexual lovemaking. Erection starts with physical or mental stimulation in which the blood flows to create pressure and makes the male organ expand. But when the muscles contract and stop the flow of the blood, erection dies down. A weak erection, erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation is known as sexual weakness.

Erectile Dysfunction can occur when there is a break in the sequence of events in achieving an erection. Damage to muscles, nerves or arteries may cause erection dysfunction. Certain medical conditions like kidney diseases, heart disease, clogged blood vessels, alcoholism and diabetes are reasons for most of the erection dysfunction cases. Sedentary lifestyle, smoking, stress, fatigue, anxiety, low self esteem, lack of confidence and obesity may also cause the condition. Sexual weakness can have the same reasons as stated above.

Tests may be done in order to diagnose such conditions. For treatment for sexual weakness options like Drug therapy, psychotherapy and surgery are available. These drugs for treatment of sexual weakness may have side effects due to the chemicals in them. However there are ways to cure erectile dysfunction and sexual weakness naturally as stated below:

1. Ginkgo: Ginkgo is effective as it smoothes the muscles due to which the blood flow to the male organ increases.

2. Zinc: Zinc is required by the body for smooth functioning and the deficiency of zinc may lead to sexual weakness and erectile dysfunction in males. Consume zinc rich foods like fish, nuts, oysters.

3. Exercises: Exercises especially pelvic strengthening exercises help to strengthen the muscles near the male organ.

4. Yoga: Practice yoga and the breathing techniques in yoga which will help you remain calm and stress free.

5. Herbal Capsules: Herbal aphrodisiacs are available which act like a sex tonic and provide energy and strength to the body. They help in eliminating sexual problems and is therefore used to cure erectile dysfunction and sexual weakness naturally. These capsules are herbal thus are safe and do not have negative side effects.

6. Massage Oils: Massage oils are available for massaging the male organ to increase the blood circulation. This helps to cure erectile dysfunction and sexual weakness. The oil needs to be massaged above the prostate gland gently.

7. Garlic: Eat raw cloves of garlic everyday to improve your sexual health.

8. Nuts: Nuts help in regaining vigor and strengthening the sexual system.

9. Onion: Include onion in your diet and consume this regularly.

10. Ashwaganda: This herb calms the nerves and aids in reviving the body and mind thus improving the sexual health.

11. Indian Gooseberry: Indian gooseberry or amla are natural aphrodisiacs and help overcome impotence and sexual weakness naturally.

12. Ginger: Ginger is also beneficial. Turmeric and black pepper should also be included in the diet.

Exercise regularly and lose the excess fat. Exercising will also help to reduce stress, practice meditation and yoga too. Communicate freely with your partner and work out the relationship issues. Avoid smoking, taking drugs and alcohol and maintain a positive attitude towards life.

Read about herbal Erectile Dysfunction Cure. Also know about Topical Male Enhancement Gel.

Natural and Safe Way to Cure Low Sperm Count and Male Infertility

Low sperm count can cause infertility in males. Other reasons for male infertility are low sperm mobility, bad quality of sperm and lack of semen. In major cases, the cause of male infertility is low sperm count. A low sperm count reduces the chances that one of your sperms will fertilize the egg.

There are various reasons, either biological or environmental which lead to low sperm count. The factors which influence an individual leading to male infertility are as follows:

Age: Male fertility is usually high in young men, and it decreases as one ages.

Lifestyle: If one's lifestyle is stressful, it can result in low sperm count as well.

Sexual Issues: Some sexual issues can affect the fertility in males.

Premature Ejaculation: Premature ejaculation and impotence conditions can lead to low semen count and male infertility.

Lubricants: Lubricants used such as oils, Vaseline and spermicides can also affect the male fertility.

Stress: Mental or physical stress both can temporarily reduce the semen count.

Smoking: Smoking is known to impair the sperm life and sperm count. Men who smoke have lower libido than men who don't smoke.

Nutrition Deficiency: Malnutrition or nutrition deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins like zinc, folate and vitamin C may lead to low sperm count and male infertility.

Environmental: Environmental factors like over exposure to chemicals and toxins may cause such conditions.

These are few of the reasons responsible for male infertility. One should get tested to know the count. The symptoms may include inability to conceive a child, ejaculation problems, erection problems, low libido, discomfort or swelling in testicles and sexual problems. To cure low sperm count and male infertility naturally and safely, follow these steps:

1. Diet: Eat a healthy well balanced diet comprising of vegetable, fruits and salads.

2. Tribulus: This is a herb which helps in increasing the levels of testosterone in the body.

3. Maca: Maca herb has an impact such that it increases the libido and semen count in the body.

4. Zinc: Deficiency of zinc can affect the hormone levels, thus by consuming zinc one can raise the testosterone levels and increase fertility.

5. Vitamin B12: This has been used to raise the semen count.

6. Folic: Folic acid can be responsible to boost the health of sperms.

7. Vitamin C: Vitamin C helps to increase the health and quality of the sperms in males.

8. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is essential to increase the semen count.

9. Ginseng: Asian Ginseng helps in condition of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Some people go for surgeries and medications to cure low sperm count and male infertility. It is best to use above natural methods to cure male infertility naturally and safely. Try to have frequent sex so that you increase the chances of getting your partner pregnant and have sex when fertilization is possible which is during ovulation. Ovulation happens between the periods of the woman. Also avoid using lubricants which sometimes reduce the sperms. Practice stress reduction techniques like meditation, massage and yoga. Talking about the condition by visiting a counselor may be helpful. Avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs which may help to cure low sperm count and male infertility naturally and safely without any negative side effects.

Read about herbal ways to Increase Semen Volume. Also know about Male Fertility Supplements.

Tighten Loose Vagina With Herbal Vaginal Tightening Pills or Cream

A woman enjoys a sexual lovemaking when the vagina is tight and lubricated. A loose vagina it is difficult to achieve the pleasures of sex for both the partners involved. The loosening of the vagina occurs mainly due to child birth. Child birth can bring in changes in a woman's body and in her sexual responses. After childbirth, the pelvic muscles get stretched and the vaginal muscles loosen. This in turn can cause other problems like decrease in desire for sex and low libido. Thus woman with loose vagina turn to solutions that tighten loose vagina for better sensation and lovemaking pleasure.

Vaginal tightening is a process of tightening, toning and strengthening the vaginal muscles. There are clinical and natural ways to tighten vagina for better sensation and lovemaking pleasure. The different ways involving creams, exercises and ointments are as below:

1. Kegel exercises: This is a natural way to tighten loose vagina. It strengthens the pelvic muscles thereby tightening the vaginal muscles. These exercises also improve the elasticity and strength and help to stop the urine leakage problem. Kegels can be done anywhere and at anytime. Sit down and try to contract the muscles used to stop urination. Squeeze those muscles and hold for few seconds. Then relax and repeat at least 10 times in one session. Kegel exercises help to improve sexual pleasure by causing more intense orgasms. Do these regularly for effective improvement and you will notice tightening of loose vagina. There are pelvic exercisers also available to insert in the vagina to clench the muscles.

2. Yoga: Many pose and exercises in yoga help in tightening of the loose vagina. It enhances the blood flow to the vagina leading to better sensation and lovemaking pleasure. Do yoga regularly to benefit and tighten the vagina.

3. Vaginal Tightening Creams: Vaginal tightening creams claim to bring the loose vagina back to its original shape and size. It also restores lubrication and heightens the sensitivity in the vagina for better sensation and lovemaking pleasure. These are herbal products used to restore the suppleness of the vagina. These creams have to be applied topically after cleansing the vagina. There are many companies making such creams and gels available in the market.

4. Vaginal Tightening Pills: These pills tighten the grip of the vagina and intensify lovemaking pleasure. They contain herbs and are safe to use. They help in regaining the natural elasticity of the vaginal muscles for better sensation during sexual lovemaking. Aabab tablets are effective tightening pills that contract and reshape the walls to tighten loose vagina.

5. Surgery: Many women go in for a vaginal tightening surgery which is effective for a long time till the next child birth. But this method is rather expensive and can have some side effects like danger of damaged nerves. One can achieve similar results to tighten loose vagina for better sensation and lovemaking pleasure by using creams and pills or better still by exercising. Also not everyone can afford to undergo a surgery which can be quite expensive.

These are the methods of tightening a loose vagina for a healthy sexual life.

Read about herbal Vaginal Tightening Cream. Also know about Vaginal Tightening Pills.

Herbal Male Enhancement Supplements to Improve Erection Quality

For a healthy sexual life and satisfying sexual lovemaking, a good erection quality helps in keeping the erection hard and long enough. Many men have trouble getting and keeping an erection which can be very frustrating for both the partners. Men struggling with erectile issues want to improve erection quality to lead a healthy sexual life.

The market is flooded with many kinds of enhancement supplements to improve erection quality. There are options of creams and solutions also available. One should be cautious while using products containing artificial substances, therefore it is safer to use effective herbal male enhancement supplements to improve erection quality. The herbal male enhancement supplements are made of special herbs which help in increasing the blood flow to the sex organs in males. This allows a better and a more satisfying sexual experience for both the partners.

These herbal formulas work as supplements to increase the effectiveness and quality of the erection. It also reduces premature ejaculation, restores the hormonal balance and boosts the libido. You can achieve the benefits of drugs like V-i-a-g-r-a, C-i-a-l-i-s and L-e-v-i-t-r-a with effective herbal male enhancement supplements to improve erection. We will list some of these herbal male enhancement supplements and review their advantages.

1. Butea Superba: These capsules have properties that help in rectifying the problem of erectile dysfunction. It also increases the libido and the quality of erection. Butea Superba capsules balance the hormone levels in the body and improve the sexual health of the person. They increase the flow of the blood to the sex organ making it possible to achieve harder erections. Due to these properties, Butea Superba capsules are used to improve erection quality

2. Provacyl: This pill makes one get harder erections for satisfying sex. It boosts the natural production of testosterone hormone and increases vitality. It is made of natural ingredients to provide better orgasms, stamina and energy. Provacyl helps a man get back his healthy sex life by improving erection quality. It boosts the sex drive and libido in men.

3. Booster Capsules: It is made of all natural herbal formula and aids in a firmer, stronger and lasting erection. It increases the libido, stamina, energy and the erection quality. It greatly improves the sexual health by increasing the pleasure achieved by harder erections.

4. Natural Gain Plus: This herbal pill improves the sexual life by enhancing the erection strength and size. Natural Gain Plus is made of natural aphrodisiacs like Maca, Muira puama and Catuaba. It is an energy booster and also increases the flow of blood to the male organ to produce stronger and harder erectins. It is thereby one of the effective herbal male enhancement supplements to improve erection quality.

Apart from taking these herbal enhancement supplements as stated above, one also needs to make some changes in the lifestyle, start exercising, and start consuming healthy food to improve erection quality. One needs to eliminate alcohol, smoking, food that contains high amounts of sugar and fat. Following this and taking effective herbal male enhancement supplements to improve erection quality will boost your self confidence!

Read about Male Enhancement Supplements. Also know about Nocturnal Emission treatment.

Natural and Safe Way to Increase Sex Drive and Libido in Men

Low sex drive and libido is usually associated with women since it is less common in men. But some men do experience low libido due to various reasons. Different individuals have different levels of sex drive but a low libido in men may indicate some issues that should be dealt with in order to lead a healthy life sexually and physically. As men age a significant decline in sexual desire may be noticed. It could also depend on their lifestyle and attitude.

There can be physical reasons like low testosterone levels in the body, some illness, drugs or alcoholism. The testosterone hormone in the male promotes the libido and sexual desire. Therefore a drop in the level may be the cause of diminished desire for sex. Other reasons apart from the physical factors could be stress, relationship issues with the partner or depression. A full medical checkup can determine if there is an illness which is causing the low libido and steps can be taken accordingly to cure the illness which in turn will help to increase sex drive and libido in men. Drugs like Viagra and Levitra only help in getting an erection not for improving the sexual desire.

There are other ways to boost the libido without using drugs and medicines. To increase sex drive and libido in men naturally and safely, it is better to use natural herbs and food which do not have chemicals that may harm the body. These herbs increase the blood flow to the male sex organ and trigger the sexual senses. Many of these herbs also help to improve the overall body functioning. Some of the herbs used to increase sex drive and libido in men are as follows: Gingko Bilbao, Ginseng, Muira Puama, Tribulus, Ashwagandha and Horny Goat Weed.

Diet is important for the body to get the necessary vitamins and minerals required for the proper functioning of the body and mind. Vitamins and minerals like zinc, Vitamin E and magnesium are needed for the proper functioning of the sex hormones. A poor diet can cause the body to become unhealthy and weak resulting in lower production of hormones which may interfere with your sex life. Therefore to increase sex drive and libido in men naturally and safely, eat healthy food and cut off the alcohol and drugs intake. Eliminate the food that are high in sugar and fat and drink plenty of water. Some foods are natural aphrodisiacs while some aid in increasing the testosterone levels. Foods which help to increase sex drive and libido in men naturally are as follows: Pine nuts, asparagus, garlic, onions, celery, bananas, pineapples, figs, almonds and nuts, salmon and other fishes.

Exercise keeps the mind and body relaxed and in a healthy state. It is advised to exercise regularly to gain stamina and boost the energy levels in the body. Yoga rejuvenates one's body and mind and helps one to sleep better. Practice deep breathing and meditation for not only a peaceful lifestyle but also to increase sex drive and libido naturally and safely, without any negative side effects.

Read more about Male Libido Enhancers. Also know about Male Fertility Supplements.

Natural and Safe Ways to Increase Sex Drive And Libido In Women

Many women experience low libido and low sex drive at some point in their lives. Lack of sexual desire in women can be due to many reasons. These reasons may be of physical nature or of psychological nature. Physical causes are described as hormonal abnormalities, alcoholism, medications, drugs, menopause, pregnancy or some medical issues. Psychological reasons could be defined as stress, depression, mental exertion, anxiety or relationship problems.

It is required to determine the cause of low libido in order to find a cure to increase sex drive and libido in women. A medical examination could detect any underlying illness causing the low sex drive. For other causes, it is best to increase sex drive and libido in women naturally and safely. The available treatments for low libido in women are as follows: Testosterone Therapy, Estrogen Therapy, Creams/ ointments and drugs. Testosterone Therapy helps increase the hormone level present in the body whereas Estrogen Therapy aims at balancing the estrogen levels in the body. The creams and gels are applied topically to help increase the sexual desire in women. The natural way to treat and increase sex drive in women is by using certain herbs and foods. The herbs useful to increase the libido in women naturally are as follows:

1. Damiana: This herb has been used since a long time to increase libido in women. It stimulates sexual desire and strengthens the hormone system.

2. Black Cohosh: This herb's properties are like that of estrogen which is required by the body.

3. Muira Puama: This herb increases the libido in women.

4. Licorice: Licorice reduces the anxiety and stress thereby improving sexual desire.

5. Passion Flower: The parts of this plant help in soothing the nerves and anxiety.

6. Ginger Root: This is helpful for the overall functioning of the body.

7. Gingko Biloba: This herb is used to increase sex drive in women.

8. Black Walnut: Black Walnut is also utilized to increase libido in women.

There are certain foods which are considered to be natural aphrodisiacs and therefore help to increase sex drive and libido in women naturally and safely. These foods are as follows:

1. Celery: Celery is said to contain a hormone called androsterone which is a sexual stimulant.

2. Banana: This fruit is rich in potassium and Vitamin B which helps in enhancing energy levels and boosts sex drive.

3. Nuts: Nuts are rich in essential fatty acids and help in production of hormones.

4. Eggs: Eggs aid in balancing the hormone levels.

5. Oysters: This is considered an aphrodisiac and is high in zinc which is essential in sexual health.

Apart from these, it is important to maintain a healthy intake of foods rich in vitamins and proteins like fresh vegetables and fruits. Exercising regularly will help to keep the body fit and to increase energy levels. This will also boost your self confidence and esteem. Practicing kegel exercise for strengthening the pelvic muscles is helpful to increase sex drive in women. Communicate with your partner freely and be honest to each other. Try different foreplay techniques which will give the woman more sexual pleasure. Eliminate alcohol, drugs, smoking and high fat foods. Meditate and indulge in relaxing activities.

Read about herbal Female Libido Enhancer. Also know about Vaginal Tightening Pills.

Cure Premature Ejaculation and Nightfall Naturally and Effectively

Many men suffer from premature ejaculation and nightfall which interferes with their sexual relationship with the partner. PE is a condition which makes the male ejaculate earlier than needed. Nightfall also called wet dreams is ejaculation during sleep at night. This may happen with or without an erection and the frequency depends person to person.

The causes for premature ejaculation and nightfall may be psychological or physical. It can be caused by stress, depression, and lack of self confidence or other issues. These conditions can lead to sexual weakness, semen leakages and body ache. Men are looking out on how to cure premature ejaculation and nightfall to prevent embarrassment and to improve their sexual life. These issues are best treated naturally and safely without any negative side effects. Natural herbs can address these issues and help one gain the vigor and control back, helping in avoiding nightfall and PE.

Herbs that can cure premature ejaculation and nightfall naturally and safely are as follows:

1. Shilajit: This herb is good for promoting sexual health and helps in solving the issue of nightfall and premature ejaculation.

2. Kava Kava: This is useful for treating anxiety which in turn promotes good sleep.

3. Peppermint Oil: Peppermint oil can be used to apply topically resulting in decrease in sensitivity and urgency to ejaculate.

4. Passion Flower: This has a soothing effect which reduces stress and anxiety.

5. Ginseng: Ginseng aids in curing premature ejaculation.

6. Gingko biloba: This herb helps in increasing the blood flow to the male organ which improves the sexual senses and alertness in body and mind.

7. Ashwagandha: This is an ancient herb used for treatment of sexual problems.

8. Epimedium saggitatum: This is an aphrodisiac used to cure premature ejaculation.

Using these herbal treatments is used to stop the problem of nightfall and PE naturally and safely.

Other natural ways to cure premature ejaculation and nightfall naturally and safely are:

1. Sage: Consuming sage tea before sleeping is an effective treatment.

2. Fenugreek: This should be included in the diet regularly.

3. Curd: Eating curd regularly helps in overcoming these problems.

4. Bottle gourd: It helps you sleep better.

5. Onion: Consume onion in your diet regularly.

6. Pumpkin Seeds: These seeds are good for improving the sexual health.

7. Garlic: Eat a couple of garlic cloves or include it in your diet. Garlic is also a natural aphrodisiac.

8. Dried Dates and Figs: These are considered high power foods and can be taken for increasing the sexual powers.

Keep your mind relaxed and stress free. Indulge in hobbies which keep you busy and occupied. Reading good books and listening to relaxing music or bathing with essential oils can help the body to unwind and relax. Eat food which is rich in vitamins and minerals like green vegetables and fruits. Avoid alcohol, smoking and high fat food. Exercising and specially practicing yoga can relax the body and mind which will help in energizing the body. The breathing exercises in yoga can help to strengthen the mind and have a better control over your body thus eliminating the sexual problems. Use these above methods to cure premature ejaculation and nightfall naturally and safely instead of buying expensive chemicals for treating the same.

Find effective ways to Stop Premature Ejaculation. Also know about Topical Male Enhancement Gel.

How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction Due To Over Masturbation Permanently

Masturbation is the sexual stimulation that leads to orgasm. This is considered as a normal activity by most of the health professionals. It is known as a normal healthy sexual behavior in both males and females which benefits in providing sexual satisfaction but when it is done in excess it can lead to erectile dysfunction and weak erection due to over masturbation. Masturbation basically stimulates the nervous function and over stimulation can cause excess production of sex hormones. Excessive production of these hormones can result in chemical imbalances in the body. It may cause psychological problems in males.

Many people get addicted to this activity and over masturbation can lead to fatigue, memory loss, stress and erectile dysfunction or weak erection. Erectile Dysfunction and weak erection is the inability to have or maintain an erection long enough for having a lovemaking. This may lead to strain in sexual relationship with his partner and often cause low esteem and low self confidence. For a pleasurable sexual lovemaking, the male needs to hold his erection for a sufficient time in order to penetrate the vagina and perform sex. However lack of blood flow to the male organ due to over masturbation can cause weak erections. Other problems which may occur due to over masturbation are low libido, low sperm count, nocturnal emissions and physical weakness. There are ways to rectify these issues and treat erectile dysfunction and weak erection due to over masturbation.

Capsules are available which enhance the blood circulation to the sex organs thereby increasing your sexual performance. These capsules are made of natural herbs and therefore are safe to use. They stimulate the body and have an aphrodisiac effect that treats weak erections. These capsules also increase the energy levels and stamina of the male. They soothe the nerves by reducing the stress levels and anxiety in the individual. All this helps in balancing the hormones resulting in smooth functioning of the body. Some of the capsules improve the sperm count and the testosterone levels in the body, providing the required nutrients. It cures sexual weaknesses like erectile dysfunction, improves sexual vigor, provides vitality and strength, increases the blood flow to the sex organs and prevents early ejaculation.

There are various massage oils and gels available which are applied topically to the male organ. These massage oils help in rejuvenation and aid in longer lasting erections. These oils are made of natural ingredients and they aid in heightening the sexual power and pleasure. The oil has to be massaged for few minutes to achieve a strong erection. It enhances the erection length and size therefore it prolongs the performance giving pleasure to both partners. It increases the blood flow to the male organ and helps in regeneration of the blood vessels in the male organ. Since it is made with natural herbs, it makes it safe to use and apply without any negative side effects.

While taking any treatment for erectile dysfunction and weak erection due to over masturbation, it is required to cut down the frequency of masturbation, so as to fully benefit from the effect of the treatment.

Read about herbal Erectile Dysfunction Cure. Also know about Topical Male Enhancement Gel.

Herbal Treatment to Increase Female Sex Drive and Libido

Many women suffer from a low libido or loss of desire for sexual lovemaking. This is usually a temporary phase and is more common in women than in men. In men, low libido and sex drive is normally due to a physical factor, whereas in the case of low female libido and sex drive, the reason can be physical or psychological. Females connect their desire for sex through emotional aspects too unlike most of the men.

To increase female sex drive and libido so as to be able to perform better in bed, one need to first determine the cause behind it. The cause may be physical or psychological. Physical factors are imbalance of hormones such as in conditions of menopause and pregnancy, painful lovemaking, dryness of vagina, medical issues, certain medications, alcoholism and drugs. The psychological factors may be stress, anxiety, depression or relationship issues. All these factors strain the bond between the partners and further lower the female libido.

To increase female sex drive and libido, there are many therapies and ointments available to address the above issues. Exercising and proper diet can also help the body and mind to remain stress free. There is also herbal treatment available to increase female libido and to perform better in bed. This is a natural and safe way to increase the sex drive. It is cost effective and some herbs provide with other benefits too.

Some of the herbs used as herbal treatment to increase female sex drive are as under:

1. Black Cohosh: This has properties that have similar effects as that of estrogen.

2. Damiana: Damiana enhances the sensitivity in the clitoris and strengthen the hormone system too.

3. Ginseng: Siberian ginseng is known to produce similar effects as that of estrogen hormone in females.

4. Motherwort: This herb is used for enhancing the female libido especially after menopause. It also has a soothing effect.

5. Ashwaganda: This is a natural aphrodisiac known to increase sexual vigor and thereby helping to perform better in bed.

6. Shatavari: This herb is effective in balancing the hormone level in women. It cleanses and nourishes the female sex organ making it fertile.

7. Licorice: This balances the female hormone system and helps in reducing stress.

8. Passion Flower: This helps to soothe anxiety and enhances sexual desire.

9. Ginger Root: This enhances the total system.

10. Piper Nigrum: This is also used as an herbal treatment to increase female libido and sex drive.

11. Horny Goat Weed: Horny goat weed enhances the blood flow to the sex organs and heightens the pleasure. It also reduces anxiety and stress.

12. Red Clover: It detoxifies the body and has a positive effect on the hormones system.

There are some foods and spices like anise, fennel and parsley which are libido enhancers. Chocolate, asparagus, oysters are also known to be stimulating foods. Supplements like Vitamin E and Vitamin B complex and essential to perform better in bed. Using different foreplay techniques may help to boost the woman's mood towards sexual pleasure. Herbal treatment to increase female sex drive and libido is one of the safe ways to perform better in bed.

Read about herbal Female Libido Enhancer. Also know about Vaginal Tightening Pills.

Increase Male Libido and Sex Drive With Herbal Treatment and Remedies

Libido is the sex drive or the desire for a sexual lovemaking. Low male libido is not as common as low female libido because women's libido is related to various factors that are emotional and physical. Male libido is usually connected with only physical factors but with age, the ability to perform better in bed decreases.

The testosterone hormone which is present in the male body is mainly responsible for the male libido and sex drive. When the level of this hormone decreases gradually, it causes low male libido. Therefore by increasing the level of testosterone, one can increase the male libido and sex drive leading the male to perform better in bed. Stress is a main reason that affects women and men. Try to lead a stress free life. This can be achieved by exercising and following a good diet. Get proper sleep and take some supplements which help in raising the testosterone levels.

There are many herbal remedies that are used to boost the libido and sex drive. These herbs increase the levels of the testosterone levels thereby stimulating the sex drive. The herbal treatment to increase male libido are as follows:

1. Damiana: This herb is a libido enhancer and has been used since a long time.

2. Ginseng: Ginseng is used to treat low sex drive and is a natural aphrodisiac. It not only helps to perform better in bed but also relieves the body of stress and anxiety.

3. Tongkat Ali: Tongkat is a herb that acts like an aphrodisiac and is used to increase the libido in men.

4. Horny Goat Weed: This herb stimulates the sexual arousal and improves the blood circulation. It has been used since a long time to perform better in bed.

5. Ginkgo Biloba: This herb improves the blood circulation all over the body and to the male sex organ.

6. Fenugreek: Fenugreek also acts like an aphrodisiac.

7. Ashwaganda: This is an herbal treatment to increase libido.

8. Muira Puama: This has been used widely to improve sexual potency.

9. Tribulus Terrestris: This herb is also called puncture vine and is known increase the male libido. It also increases the sperm count in men.

10. Yohimbe bark: This enhances the sex drive in men and stimulates the sexual arousal by improving the blood circulation to the sex organ.

11. Peruvian Maca: Peruvian Maca is an aphrodisiac which enhances the sexual performance. It also increases the stamina to perform better in bed.

12. Kamdeepak capsule: It is all-in-one powerful herbal male libido enhancer that helps improve lovemaking desire and stamina in men.

Many kinds of food like ginger, garlic, chives, chocolates, cloves, grapefruit and pine nuts help to arouse the sexual desire. Another way to perform better in bed is to use various foreplay techniques. Herbal treatment to increase male libido and sex drive is the most cost effective way to treat this condition. These herbs when taken over a period of time increase the sexual desire and pleasure. They bring about the change in body and balance the hormones as required and increase the levels of testosterone. You can also get herbal products with good combination of these herbs such as Night Fire capsules to increase libido.

Read more about Male Libido Enhancers. Also know about Nocturnal Emission treatment.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Low Calorie Juice Recipes - 9 Healthy Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

People eager to lose weight often go on low calorie juice diets. Whereas juice provides with many nutrients, one needs to combine it with some exercise regime to lose that weight.

Vegetable juice and fruit juices provide the body with vitamins and minerals required for healthy immunity. Vegetable juice can act as appetite suppressants and the sugar content is lower than in fruit juices.

Some healthy low calorie juice recipes for weight loss are as follows

1. Slim Me Juice:

Ingredients: 4-5 carrots, half beets, 1 celery, 1 apple, half cucumber.

Direction: Wash, peel and chop the vegetables and blend in a juicer. You may add little ginger if you need some spice in your healthy juice!

2. Grapefruit Orange Juice Recipe:

Ingredients: 1 grapefruit, 3 oranges.

Directions: Take out the juice of these fruits and in a blender. Add ice and sip! Grapefruits are beneficial for losing weight. This healthy juice is also high in vitamin C.

3. ACC Juice (Apple Carrot Celery):

Ingredients: 2-3 apples, 2 carrots, 2 celery sticks, 2 tablespoon lemon juice.

Directions: Core the apples, peel and cut carrots. Add apples, carrots, celery and lemon juice to a mixer and blend well. Pour in glass and add ice if desired. This is a refreshing and delicious low calorie juice.

4. Cleansing Veggie Broth:

Ingredients: 2-3 carrots, 2 celery, 2 beets,3 kale leaves, 1 turnip, half spinach bunch, half cabbage head, half onion, one-fourth parsley bunch, 2-3 garlic cloves.

Directions: Boil the above ingredients and sip! This healthy juice will help in detoxification of the body too.

5. Papaya Passion Juice:

Ingredients: 1 papaya, 1 apple, 4-5 dates.

Directions: Pit the dates and then blend all the above ingredients in a blender. Best when served fresh. This is a healthy juice recipe.

6. Morning Sunshine Juice:

Ingredients: 2 oranges, 1 grapefruit, 5-6 strawberries, half banana.

Directions: Take out the juice from orange and grapefruit. Pour this in the mixer with banana and strawberries. Blend well and serve.

7. Carrot Beet juice:

Ingredients: 7-8 carrots, half boiled and peeled beetroot, 4 leaves lettuce.

Directions: Blend all the ingredients and enjoy this healthy juice recipe.

8. Melon Juice:

Ingredients: 2 cups cubed watermelon, 2 cups cubed honeydew melon, 2 cups cubed cantaloupe, 1 inch grated ginger.

Directions: Mix all the above ingredients in a blender and add ice. This is a refreshing and cooling low calorie juice recipe.

9. Strawberry Delight:

Ingredients: half cup strawberries, 1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice, half lemon.

Directions: Blend the strawberries and orange juice with the juice of lemon. Pour in glass and enjoy this nutritious and healthy juice recipe.

Fruits like watermelons, pineapple, papayas, plums, berries and honeydew have low calories. So, experiment and make your own low calorie juice recipes for weight loss. Likewise vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, celery, cabbage, lettuce, beetroot, spinach, apples, oranges and lemons are the healthy choices for creating your low calorie juice recipes for weight loss.

Do not go on a juice diet for long. While they provide nutrients to the body, it is not sufficient for a long term basis.

Read How to Lose Stomach Fat Fast. Also know how to Lose Baby Fat After Pregnancy.

Kids Low Calorie Snack Recipes - 15 Kids Snacks Recipes for Weight Loss

Kids love to snack between their meals and probably like their snacks more than the meals. Now days there are high calories snacks available with low nutrition. Consumption of these snacks has increased obesity in children.

One way to stop this is to provide kids low calorie snack recipes for weight loss. These snacks are healthy and more nutritious than the readymade ones. Be innovative and try new snacks at home which your kids will love.

Some of the ideas for kids low calorie snack recipes for weight loss are as follows:

1. Strawberry Banana Smoothie: Take few strawberries and a banana and blend with yogurt and 2 tablespoon of honey. Slowly add low fat milk if you wish. This is a filling and nutritious smoothie!

2. Melon Balls: Scoop out some water melon, cantaloupe and honeydew melon. Arrange these colorful balls in a plate with a toothpick inserted. This makes a very healthy low calorie snack! And the kids will love the colorful balls!

3. Peanut Butter Apple: To make the apple slices more attractive, apply a thin layer of peanut butter to the slices and watch them disappear!

4. Fruit Pops: Blend any fruit or 2-3 fruits and fill the popsicles with this puree. Freeze and serve!

5. Kabobs: Make a colorful selection of fruits and cheese cubes. Cut into small bite sized cubes and skewer them.

6. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a very healthy snack for kids. Top it with some berries.

7. Ants on a log: Take a celery stalk and apply peanut butter. Put some raisins giving it a look of ants on a log. Kids will love this visually!

8. Mini Sandwiches: Put some boiled egg or tuna in brown bread and cut in mini sizes.

9. Soup: Make any vegetable soup with olive oil! Soups are a great way to get the nutrients and fill the kid’s tummy. Serve the soup with a toast. This is a great low calorie kids snack for weight loss!

10. Dip: Kids love to dip. So give them raw fresh veggies with dip made of yogurt or low fat cream.

11. Pita pockets: Cut pita bread into triangles and season with olive oil and some herb. This is a healthy snack!

12. Boiled Egg: This provides the proteins a kid needs. Serve boiled egg without the yolk. Add some salt and pepper.

13. Cracker: Take a cracker and top it with some low fat cheese and olives. You can arrange the olives like eyes and put a tomato for lips. Be innovative to create a healthy low calorie snack recipe.

14. Trail Mix: Mix some bran cereal, nuts and pretzels for a crunchy snack mix.

15. Mini Pizzas: Which kid doesn't love pizzas? Make this low calorie snack recipe and watch your kid enjoy! Take brown bread and cut rounds off the slices with help of cookie cutter. Apply a little sauce and top with chopped green bell pepper and tomatoes and olives. Top with little grated cheese. This pizza can be eaten like this or baked. This healthy kid snack is sure to be a hit!

You can invent your kids low calorie snack recipe for weight loss on your own. Be creative with the presentation and watch your kids lose that unhealthy weight!

Read How to Lose Stomach Fat Fast. Also know how to Lose Baby Fat After Pregnancy.

Low Calorie Soup Recipes - 4 Healthy Soup Recipes for Weight Loss

Soups are extremely healthy and nutritious. There are basically two kinds of soups: clear soups and thick soups. There are many kinds of healthy soup recipes and low calorie soup recipes for fat loss which will not only satisfy your taste buds but also provide you with nutrition and help you stay fit.

Some of the low calorie soup recipes for fat loss are as below:

1. Cabbage Soup:

Ingredients: Half head of cut cabbage, 2 diced carrots, 4 sliced green onions, 1 can of diced tomatoes, 1 bunch celery, 1 cut green bell pepper, cooking spray, 2 tablespoon chopped parsley, salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste, water.

Directions: Put cooking spray in pot and sauté the green onions for a while, then add the bell pepper. Add cabbage and celery and carrots. After a while add water and cover. Let it simmer and cook on low heat for a long time. You can check on the water and season it with salt and pepper. Garnish with chopped parsley, you can add cayenne pepper while cooking if you want it to be a little bit spicy. You can add mushrooms too. This is one of the healthy soup recipes!

2. Potato and Leek Soup:

Ingredients: 1 chopped leek, 5 diced potatoes, 500 ml vegetable stock, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoon chopped parsley.

Directions: Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and add leek. When it becomes slightly brown, add the potatoes and let it cook on low heat for half an hour. Stir occasionally. Now add the vegetable stock and mix well. Simmer till it thickens. Cool the soup and blend it until smooth. Pour in bowls and enjoy this low calorie healthy soup!

3. Chicken Lemon Soup:

Ingredients: 80 grams cubed skinless Chicken breast, 1 grated carrot, 1 grated celery, 4 finely chopped shallots, 800 ml chicken stock, 2 lemons, 2 tablespoon olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Directions: Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the carrots, shallots and celery. Add the chicken cubes. Cook for a while stirring occasionally. Add the juice of the two lemons along with the stock. Sprinkle salt and pepper and let it simmer for about 45 minutes. Enjoy this low calorie soup recipe!

4. Carrot Soup:

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon olive oil, 5-6 chopped carrots, 1 chopped onion, 10 grams of root ginger, 1 cube of vegetable stock, 3 cups water, 1 tablespoon basil, salt and pepper to taste.

Directions: Heat a pan and put oil then add onion, carrot and ginger. Cook till onion becomes soft. Make vegetable stock with the cube and water and add to the pan. Bring it to a boil and simmer for half an hour till carrots turn soft. Add salt and pepper and blend this in a mixer and add little water if required. Garnish with basil and enjoy this healthy soup recipe! It is a bright color soup and can be enjoyed with a toast.

Try one of these low calorie soup recipes for fat loss. These soups are low in calories and still provide a wholesome meal. You can diet without starving!

Read more about How to Lose Chest Fat. Also know How to Lose Back Fat.

Low Calorie Salad Recipes - 6 Healthy Salad Recipes For Weight Loss

What is better than snacking on a salad? The answer is snacking on low calorie salad which also supports fat loss! Salads provide us with the required fiber by our body. It is a low calorie food which is tasty too! There are many ways in which you can make healthy salad recipes.

Some of the low calorie salad recipes for fat loss are as stated below:

1. Black Bean Salad with Feta Cheese:

Ingredients: 1 can of drained black beans, 1 chopped red bell pepper, 2 chopped green onions, 1 cup finely chopped cabbage, 2 ounces feta cheese, one-fourth cup chopped fresh parsley leaves, 1 minced garlic clove, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Directions: Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl gently. Cover it and chill for sometime in the fridge. Enjoy this low calorie salad!

2. Corn Salad:

Ingredients: 100 grams fresh corn, 1 chopped onion, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 2 tablespoons fresh basil, salt and pepper to taste.

Directions: Boil the corn and drain. After the corn has cooled, mix the corn kernels, onions, olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper according to taste. Cover and keep in fridge to chill. Put in the fresh basil before you serve this salad. This is a simple to make and a low calorie salad recipe. You can add in green or red bell peppers if you like!

3. Cool Cucumber Salad:

Ingredients: 1 cup diced cucumber, 1 diced onion, half cup of diced bell peppers (red and yellow), 2 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

Directions: Mix all the above ingredients cucumber, onion, bell peppers, lemon juice, olive oil, parsley, salt and pepper gently in a large salad bowl. Cover and refrigerate. Eat this healthy salad recipe chilled!

4. Tuna Salad:

Ingredients: 200 grams pasta, half tin of drained tuna, 1 small chopped green bell pepper, 1 chopped tomato, 1 tablespoon vinegar.

Directions: Cook the pasta as per instructions on the packet and drain it. Combine the tuna, tomato, bell pepper and mix well in a large bowl. Add the vinegar and serve! This salad is healthy because tuna is a low fat fish and high in proteins!

5. Beet Salad:

Ingredients: Half cup peeled and shredded beet, 1 cup shredded red cabbage, 1 sliced onions, half grated apple, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon oil, 1 tablespoon brown sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

Directions: Heat oil in a skillet and stir fry the onions and cabbage till soft. Mix apple, sugar and vinegar together separately and then add this mix to the onions and cabbage in the skillet. Add the shredded beet also. Sprinkle the salt and pepper. Cook for a minute and serve. Another option is to cool and chill in the fridge and then eat.

6. Chicken Salad:

Ingredients: 1 cup cooked bite sized chicken, half cup sliced mushrooms, half cup grated carrots, half cup shredded cabbage, 1 green sliced onion, 1 tablespoon cilantro, 2 tablespoons low fat salad dressing, black pepper.

Directions: Mix all ingredients except green onions in a bowl. Garnish with green onions and pepper. This is a healthy salad recipe.

These low calorie salad recipes for fat loss can be eaten as dinner or lunch or just as a snack. Salads are always healthy, just be careful of what dressing you put on it!

Read more about How to Lose Chest Fat. Also know How to Lose Back Fat.

Less Calorie Low Fat Dinner Recipes - 4 Healthy Dinner Recipes for Weight Loss

It is important not to skip your meals in a day. But if you are health conscious or dieting, a low calorie dinner recipe is just what you need to end your day in a healthy way. There are many low fat dinner recipes which are nutritious but low in calories. It's a great way to eat without being guilty!

Some of the healthy dinner recipes are as follows:

1. Pan Roasted Chicken:

Ingredients: Skinless and boneless chicken breast, Zucchini cut in slices, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 onion, salt and pepper to taste.

Directions: Cut onions into wedges. Sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper and add chicken to a skillet with olive oil. Cook on low medium heat for a couple of minutes and turn the chicken. Add the onions and cook till chicken is no longer pink. After it browns evenly remove chicken and onions. Stir the zucchini until crisp and add to chicken. Sprinkle the parsley. This is a healthy dinner recipe which is low fat and delicious too!

2. Low Fat Veg Curry:

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon oil, 1 tablespoon curry powder, 1 tablespoon cumin, 1 chopped onion, 1 sliced carrot, 1 cubed potato, half cup cubed butternut squash, half cup chopped green beans, half cup broccoli florets, 1 cup diced tomatoes, Tomato sauce.

Directions: Heat oil and add curry powder and cumin. Stir for a minute. Now add the onion, potatoes and carrots. Sauté for a couple of minutes. Add broccoli, squash and green beans and cook for two to three minutes then add tomatoes and tomato sauce. Simmer uncovered for about twenty minutes until vegetables are tender and sauce has thickened. Serve with whole grain rice for a healthier option. This is a very healthy dinner recipe!

3. Veg Bulgur:

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 cup bulgur, 1 chopped onion, half cup diced red bell pepper, half teaspoon ground cuminm half cup celery, thinly sliced, 1 teaspoon chili powder, 2 cups vegetable broth or water, salt and pepper to taste.

Directions: Heat the skillet and add the olive oil. Now add the dry bulgur and the onion. Cook till onion is soft and bulgur is golden. Add the celery and bell pepper and put the cumin and chili powder and cook for a couple of minutes on medium heat. Add the vegetable broth or water and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for 20 minutes and sprinkle salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy this low calorie dinner recipe!

4. Fish with herbs:

Ingredients: 1 Fish fillet, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, herbs like dill, parsley, tarragon, lemon, salt and pepper to taste.

Directions: Heat the oven and make a mix of the herbs with little oil and salt and pepper. Smear some oil on the baking sheet and place the fillet. Pour the seasoning on the fish. Bake for about 45 minutes. This is a very easy healthy dinner recipe.

Try these simple easy to make low calorie dinner recipes and experiment on your own creating some new dishes. A low fat dinner recipe does not have to be tasteless; it can be just as tasty as it is healthy. Try with fish, chicken, pasta or just vegetables.

Read more about How to Lose Arm Fat. Also know How to Lose Thigh Fat.

Less Calorie Low Fat Snack Recipes - 7 Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

Feeling hungry and it is not meal time yet? It is best to munch on some healthy snack which is low in calories and fat. Whether you are dieting or not, it is good to be aware of the calories you consume. Snacks which are high in calories and low in nutrients should be avoided. Instead go for low fat snacks.

It has been advised to eat small meals and snacks frequently rather than consuming 2 to 3 heavy meals. This was the body is energized throughout the day and this also boosts the body's metabolism. Therefore the snacks taken should be healthy and low fat.

There are plenty of options to choose from the many healthy snacks recipes available now days. Some of the low calorie and low fat snack recipes are as under:

1. Orange Sunshine Smoothie:

Ingredients: Half cup of orange juice, one-fourth cup of low fat yogurt, few cubes of ice.

Directions: Put all the above ingredients in a blender and blend for a minute till it all mixes. Pour in a glass and sip this healthy snack drink.

2. Vegetable Dip:

Ingredients: one-fourth cup sweet onions finely chopped, one-fourth cup cucumbers finely chopped, one-fourth cup green bell peppers finely chopped, one-fourth cup radishes finely chopped, 2 tablespoons of parsley finely chopped, 2 cups low fat yogurt, 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of honey, salt and pepper to taste.

Directions: Mix all the above ingredients together and chill in the fridge. This can be eaten as a dip for some vegetable like carrots.

3. Vegetable Delight:

Ingredients: Carrot cut in strips, broccoli florets, asparagus tenders, snow peas with strings removed, green peas trimmed, cauliflower florets.

Directions: Blanch the above ingredients in boiling water with little salt. After few minutes, strain and dip in cold water. Drain and pat dry. It can be eaten then or chilled and served. This is a low calorie snack recipe and tasty too.

4. Baked French Fries:

Ingredients: 1 big Potatoes, half tablespoon of olive oil, salt and paprika for sprinkling.

Directions: Preheat oven. Peel and cut potatoes into long slices. Put these slices in cold water for a while and then drain. Pat dry with a paper towel and lay them out on baking sheet. Spread the olive oil on the potatoes and bake till the potatoes turn crisp and golden. Take out the potatoes and sprinkle with salt and paprika. This is a much healthier version of the deep fried French fries!

5. Salad Mix:

Ingredients: One-fourth cup chopped cucumber, one-fourth cup chopped carrots, one-fourth cup chopped tomato, one-fourth cup bell peppers, salt and pepper to taste.

Directions: Mix the above ingredients and enjoy this low fat snack recipe.

6. Oatmeal:

Ingredients: Half cup oatmeal, half cup low fat milk, half teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon cinnamon.

Directions: Mix all these and keep in fridge. Can top with a few raisins or berries for a yummy healthy snack.

7. Fruit Mix:

Ingredients: Chopped pieces of any 2-3 fruits you like half cup low fat yogurt.

Directions: Layer your fruits with yogurt and enjoy this low calorie snack. You can drizzle it with some honey if you like.

Above are some of the low calories snack recipes. You can invent one yourself by experimenting. Other healthy ways to snack on are munching on apple slices, watermelon, cottage cheese and drinking fruit juices.

Read more about How to Lose Arm Fat. Also know How to Lose Thigh Fat.

Herbal Treatments and Remedies for Low Female Libido

Libido is the sexual desire and a case of low libido may be present in women more commonly than in men. Low female libido can be caused by various factors which are of physical nature like certain ailments, fatigue, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, menopause or some medication. There can be emotional factors like stress, depression, trauma or fights which may result in a low sex drive.

The herbal treatment for low female libido can be started after one determines the reason for it. It is suggested to get a medical checkup done so as to identify if any underlying ailment or illness is responsible for the lack of desire for sexual intercourse. Other treatments are Estrogen therapy and Testosterone therapy which is to normalize the estrogen and testosterone levels in the body respectively. There are creams and gels available for local applications which help in increasing the blood flow to the genitals, thereby increasing the libido. Many Herbal supplements are available too which not only address the issue of low female libido but also address other issues like vaginal dryness, stress and fatigue. It is advised to consult a doctor before taking such supplements.

Many foods and herbs are considered to be natural aphrodisiacs and can help improve the low libido. Some are also beneficial for the overall improvement of the functioning of the body. Herbal treatment for low female libido is possible by taking natural herbs such as:

1. Damiana: This is a common herb which has been used as a treatment for diminished sex drive since a long time. It is a natural aphrodisiac and is has medicinal properties.

2. Black Cohosh: Black Cohosh has help relieve cramps and symptoms due to menstrual periods. If this is causing low libido, this herb is helpful.

3. Passion Flower: Parts of this plant, like the flower and leaves are used to cure anxiety. If anxiety is the cause of low libido, this herb can help soothe the mind.

4. Horny Goat Weed: This herb increases the blood flow to the sex organs which help in heightening of the sexual senses. It also helps in condition of stress and anxiety.

5. Dong Quai: It treats the hormonal imbalances which can cause a low libido. This herb also improves the blood circulation to the sex organs.

6. Ginseng: Ginseng is not only helpful for sexual arousal but also for the overall well being of the body.

7. Shatavari: This is found in India and is recommended for females. It nourishes the reproductive system in females and therefore stimulates the libido.

8. Muira Puama: This herb increases the libido and also aids in production of hormones.

9. Licorice: Licorice can help in maintaining the balance of the hormones in the body.

10. Gingko Biloba: This is good for the overall health of the body and also to enhance the female libido.

11. Piper Nigrum: This is also a commonly used herbal treatment for low female libido.

12. Ashwagandha: This herb has been used in India since a very long time. It has many benefits including anti anxiety effect. It also helps in enhancing the female libido.

The herbs stated above are used for herbal treatment for low female libido by many. However it is better to take the herbs under supervision.

Find how to Increase Female Libido? Also know about Female Libido Enhancer.

Increase Sex Drive in Women Naturally With Female Libido Enhancers

Low or lack of libido is more common in females than males. This is usually a temporary problem due to some physical or emotional factors. For men it usually a physical factor involved, but for women both physical and emotional factors are attached to their desire for sexual intercourse. This is mainly due to the different hormones and their levels present in men and women.

To increase female libido, it is important to get to the cause first. For a physical factor causing low libido, it is important to get a medical check up to identify any underlying non sexual illness which may be causing the lack of libido. Other physical factors may be exertion, fatigue, certain medication, hormonal imbalances or alcoholism. Emotional or psychological factors may involve any of the following: depression, traumatic experiences, low self image or low self esteem. Once the reason has been figured out, steps can be taken to increase low female libido.

There are therapies like the estrogen and testosterone therapies to improve sex drive. Other than that, gels and ointments are available for local applications which claim to increase the desire for sex in women. There are capsules available as oral supplements which help the body overall thereby increase female libido. Many herbs are considered natural aphrodisiacs, and they can be taken to enhance the libido.

Some of the ways to improve sex drive quickly and naturally are as stated below.

1. Consume Aphrodisiac foods: First way would be to eat aphrodisiac foods. Aphrodisiac increase the sexual desire. Many foods have this effect in the human body can improve the sex drive naturally. Celery, Damiana, Ginseng, lettuce, dark chocolate, asparagus, strawberries, artichokes, anise and oysters are considered natural aphrodisiacs. Consumption of these goods are said to increase the libido.

2. Food containing Estrogens: The reason for a low female libido could be decrease in estrogen levels in the body. By consuming foods containing estrogens, one can improve sex drive in women. Some of the foods which contain natural estrogens are Apple, eggs, oats, olive oil, garlic, papaya, tomatoes, wheat, pumpkin, sage, fennel and flaxseeds.

3. Vitamin E: Vitamin E and zinc are required by the body for the proper functioning of the sex organs. This vitamin and mineral is known to increase libido.

4. Exercises: It is essential to keep the body fit to function properly. This will keep illness away, help to energize and a good body will help in boosting your self esteem and self image. All these factors help in enhancing the desire for sex.

5. Pelvic Strengthening: Kegels exercise help in strengthening the pelvic muscles in a female. Weak pelvic muscles can lead to uncomfortable lovemaking.

6. Foreplay: Foreplay is important for women in order to heighten their senses and being prepared for the act of sex. There are various techniques of foreplay which can be used to help improve sex drive quickly and naturally.

7. Romance: A romantic dinner or romantic outing can arouse a woman. Spend quality time with the woman and get romantic.

8. Female Libido Enhancers: Fantasy and Kamni capsules are leading herbal female libido enhancers that not only increase sex drive in women but also improve natural lubrication and sensation.

These steps can aid to increase female libido and improve sex drive quickly and naturally.

Find how to Increase Female Libido? Also know about Female Libido Enhancer.

6 Best Herbal Products for Treating Low Female Libido

The issue of having a low libido is more common in females than males. While the male libido is mainly physically connected, the low female libido is connected physically and emotionally. A low libido or low desire for sexual lovemaking can lead to diminishing interest in for both partners and strain their relationship.

The physical causes of a low female libido can be some non-sexual disease, obesity, hormonal imbalance, painful lovemaking, vaginal dryness, fatigue, surgery, alcoholism, drug abuse or certain kinds of medications. The emotional causes can be stress, depression, job pressure, anxiety, low self-esteem or some traumatic instance.

To increase the libido in women there therapies like Testosterone therapy and estrogen therapy. In Testosterone therapy the levels of the testosterone hormone are increased in a woman. But this can have some negative or side effects too.

In estrogen therapy, a patch, pill or gel is used to release the estrogen hormone and have a positive effect on the low female libido. There are various creams available for local application in vagina which releases the estrogen slowly helping combat the vaginal dryness problem.

There are various herbal products in the market and we will list a few of them to help you decide which the best herbal product for low female libido is. Some of the herbal products are as follows:

1. Kamni Capsules: These capsules are natural and help in increasing the blood circulation which in turn improves the senses. It claims to boost the female libido and thereby increases the sexual desire. It strengthens the muscles of the reproductive organs and the changes are almost immediate after taking the capsules.

2. Fantasy Capsules: Fantasy capsules mainly contain Shatavari as its primary ingredient. It improves fertility and reduces stress and depression in the woman. It enhances libido and ensures normal hormone secretion. It helps cure the problem of dryness of the vagina.

3. Provestra: This capsule is a natural blend of herbs that help in increasing the low libido. It lubricates the vagina and enhances the sensations of the genital area. It provides the body with more energy and boosts the desire for sex.

4. Shatavari: This is a known herb which helps in rejuvenation and also possesses nutritive properties.

5. Hersolution: This is an oral supplement which is made from natural herbs and claims to boost your energy and libido. It gives you satisfaction by helping you achieve powerful orgasms. Hersolution increases the blood flow to the genitals and enhances the sensations.

6. Horny Goat Weed: This herb is available in form of capsules and provides a boost the libido.

Any of the above herbal products for low female libido can be used. Other herbs known for increasing the low libido in females are Damiana, Muira Puama, Ginseng, Licorice, Ginger Root and Black Cohosh.

There are various creams and gels also available made of natural ingredients for topical application in vagina. This eliminates the dryness and lubricates the vagina. They also increase the blood flow to the vagina thus heightening the senses. This intensifies and boosts the sexual pleasure in a woman.

Find how to Increase Female Libido naturally? Also know about Vaginal Tightening Pills.

8 Super Hot Foreplay Techniques To Please A Woman During Lovemaking

Sexual pleasure is important for both the partners to strengthen the bond and relationship between them. For many, foreplay is as essential as the act of sex for experiencing pleasure. It is the stimulation that takes place before the sexual intercourse. In a way, it prepares the mind and body for sexual stimulation and orgasm.

It is required to know the foreplay techniques to please a woman during lovemaking because women in particular like foreplay and can't get enough of it. If done the right way you will leave your woman craving for you more and give her immense sexual pleasure.

There are different ways and foreplay techniques to please a woman during lovemaking. The body has nerve endings on different parts which transmit the sensations caused by touch, to the brains. These receptors are present densely on parts like the lips, male organ, clitoris, nipples and soles of the feet. They are called erogenous zones. It is desirable to recognize the zone which stimulates your woman the most.

Whereas men are aroused more visually, women get aroused more by what they feel or hear. Some find light touching also very stimulating while some prefer massages and kissing. Women like to have their necks kissed, fingers stroked or suckled. Some may find nibbling at the ear very arousing. Various foreplay techniques to please a woman during lovemaking are as follows:

1. Kissing: Kissing, for many is the first step of foreplay. Some are satisfied with light lip to lip kisses, while some prefer deeper kisses. Kissing is an intimate act because of the close contact. Kissing or oral stimulation at the clitoris in women can be a pleasurable experience since this is a sensitive area.

2. Massage: One can have a sensual massage as a foreplay technique. Massage the woman’s sensitive parts with or without some lubrication. This will heighten the woman's sexual senses. Use these foreplay techniques to please a woman.

3. Bath: Bathe together under a shower giving the woman a back scrub or get into a bath tub together and clean her.

4. Undress Slowly: Right from undressing the woman, start slow. Slowly take off her clothes and explore her body with your hands and lips.

5. Awareness: Be aware of what your woman enjoys and responds to. Notice her breathing pattern which can help you recognize what arouses her the most.

6. Stroking: Many do not know the power of gentle stroking. Being gentle in your touch and stroking a woman's fingers, toes or breasts or other parts of her body can arouse her.

7. Fantasy: It is important to connect with your partner and know of her fantasies. You can enact her fantasy and take her to a high level of arousal.

8. Vaginal tightening pills: Aabab tablets work superbly in enhancing sensation and excitement during penetration. It gives natural tightening experience and adds pleasure and fun during the whole lovemaking act.

One has to let go of the inhibitions and communicate with the partner about her desires and fantasies. The partner can satisfy these fantasies in order to stimulate and give pleasure. With open discussions, trust and the willingness to please each other, one can fully enjoy the foreplay techniques and the sexual intercourse. Foreplay builds up the anticipation and therefore results in the woman longing for more and in better orgasms.

Find how to Increase Female Libido naturally? Also know about Vaginal Tightening Pills.

Friday, February 11, 2011

End Erectile Dysfunction With Effective Herbal Remedies

How to end erectile dysfunction? A lot of men encounter dysfunction and most of them feel devastated which lessens their self confidence too. Ending this kind of problem is very hard. But, this kind of thought is not true, for nowadays there are plenty of ways that can be done in order to alleviate this kind of sexual dysfunction. One of the best ways is by using herbal supplements.

According to the companies who manufacture herbal supplements, various kinds of herbs offer diverse advantages in the human body. Herbs acquire substance that helps cure certain diseases or illnesses and one of these is erectile dysfunction. What are the primary things that herbal supplement contains? It is the effective ingredients that compromise. It is important because it tells how useful a product is. Through this we trust the components of herbal supplement and this makes us secured.

There are herbs that commonly used. One is tribulus terrestris. The general names of this herb are bullhead, Mexican sandbur, caltrop, puncturevine, texas sandbur and goat head. The presence of tribulus terrestris helps in three ways of correcting the erectile dysfunction, increase libido and helps infertility. In taking this, you will certainly experience stomach ache as side effect, and this is normal. The important thing is you are cured and satisfied of the results.

Another herb that helps end erectile dysfunction is gingko biloba. This herb sustains and helps activate blood circulation, and basically increase man's energy. This is also a supplement for good memory and enhances man's libido that often stress is the cause why libido reduced. With this herb, you will determine how efficient it is and treats certain illnesses.

One more herb is ginseng. This is a help in improving sexual dysfunction for a lot of years. Ginseng has components that helps activate nitric oxide production and trigger male's erection. Best recommended an intake of ginseng for at least 200 mg everyday and will gradually increase to 600 mg while taking this supplement; it is also required to rest for a week to reset the sensitivity of the body. So, you don't need to take it continuously in consecutive weeks because this might cause trouble in your body.

These are things to think about when suffering from erectile dysfunction. There are methods to apply for your self in order to overcome such problem in health that you are worrying for almost years. Just look around, read and be aware of useful things around you that can give right benefit to your health. A doctor is always ready to help, assist and take care of you. Don't get rejected, instead get up and do the possible ways. For life is too short to frown.

Read more about herbal Erectile Dysfunction Pills. Also know about Premature Ejaculation Treatment.

How to Cure Nocturnal Emission With Herbal Remedies?

Nocturnal emission or often called as wet dreams happens to everyone. This is normally encountered by both sexes during adolescence period. This sis felt after puberty. But the situation is normally encountered by men. Because they are the one who needs to ejaculate once they do not have active sex life. So, until they are asleep they still encounter semen ejaculation. Though this is a normal one, still they should have limits in it. Having this kind of condition can cause harm to the body.

If you are experiencing this kind, you should not worry for there are ways that you can do to handle this kind of condition. There are lots of products available but you should always consider the best one for you. To deal with the nocturnal emission these are things that you need to think in choosing the best herbal supplement:

Supplement Manufacturer

There are plenty of companies that manufacturer herbal supplements used to cure nocturnal emission. It is much important to know manufacturers that can provide best quality of the product and can be trusted when it comes to its production. Do some researches studies if you cannot get any background of the manufactures of herbal supplements, by doing this you can easily identify which one is right.

Supplement Ingredients

This is considered as the most essential thing that you need to look at. The ingredients are the one that will make the supplement very effective. One of the right ingredients is Osha. This herb is identified to very efficient in curing nocturnal emission that is cause by bacterial and virus inflammation of the gonads. If you want to have a very effective supplement then you need to choose for the one that consist this ingredient.

Talk to Your Doctor or Take Online Consultation

This is the best way for you to get the best herbal supplement. The doctors are the one who know the right supplement that will treat your condition effectively. Doctors as well are the one that will tell the right dosage that you need to take in to avoid complications and further problems. So, you need to have a doctor that you feel you are at ease and you can trust.

These are the factors that you must consider in having the best herbal supplement. Basically, for best results, you will still be the one to choose the right one for you. Good health relies in your decision.

Read about herbal Nocturnal Emission treatment. Also know about Premature Ejaculation Treatment.

Do Natural Remedies for Nocturnal Emissions Really Effective?

Worried about nocturnal emission? Well, you should not because this might not harm you since this is just normal for both men and women to experience this kind. This is felt during teenage years, the time for puberty. As observed, during those years, hormonal changes occurs and followed by nocturnal emission. And aside from hormonal changes there are also factors that contribute in order that these things are felt and experienced.

Even if this is known harmless and normal, there are still cases that let this condition increases the level that will result to other problems and which will trigger your mind and will sometimes result to early depression. The most common is sexual dysfunction. This happens once the occurrence of nightfall is experienced frequently. Excessive released of semen may result to sexual dysfunction.

You don't need to worry when you are experiencing it now because this can be cured. Make possible ways to treat nocturnal emission. You cannot gain such curable products if you are just going to assume that your illness will just disappear without applying or taking any curable supplements. If you will just depend on products that cannot be trusted, do not invest for it if it will just lead to regrets. Instead, find the best natural procedure just around you. Here are some safest and proficient means to cure nocturnal emission.

1. Try osha herb. This is the herb that best to use once the occurrence of nocturnal emission exist because of viral infection or the gonad bacterial inflammation.

2. Take one teaspoon of the celery juice. It is best if you will combine the juice with honey stalks. This blend should also be taken before bed time.

3. Take supplements that are high in magnesium and calcium. It is best to take them 30 minutes prior to the moment you got in bed. These two substance aids to relax the mind and body and avoid the occurrence of nocturnal emissions.

4. Prior to the time you go to bed, it is better if you drink one cup of sage tea.

These are the natural remedies that you can do to avoid and treat nocturnal emission. For you to have a happy sex life, do not overlook nightfall. Do this to help you cured and to have great relationship with your partner, a lasting and memorable one. When you wish for an excellent product, be sure that you will also help your self gain the real satisfaction that a good supplement can give. NF Cure capsule is one of the widely trusted and used herbal supplements for treating nocturnal emissions. So, make your wish come true and make your health problem cured.

Read about herbal Nocturnal Emission treatment. Also know about Premature Ejaculation Treatment.

Best Natural Remedies to Cure Erectile Dysfunction

Does erectile dysfunction bother you? Does it affect your present relationship? Well, if this is the case, then stop worrying. There are ways that can help. Feeling anxious will just result to unceasing doubts and unremarkable beliefs that somehow things will soon end in an alarming sadness. Make use of the positive ways that you can apply while in this kind of problem. Don't lose hope because there are various cures and remedies around you that can help you stop the erectile dysfunction. Don't just rely on over the counter products that do not cure such problem. Instead take these concerns a best solution to your problems.

Eat Lots of Vegetables and Fruits

This is considered as one of the best way to cure erectile dysfunction naturally. Eating lots of vegetables is good for the health and best recommended in curing erectile dysfunction. Everyone knows that fruit and vegetables acquire properties that contribute in the whole circulation of the body. Eating vegetables and fruits are considered one of the best natural cures that you can make use of. Vegetables and fruits help cleanse our body despite of a huge amount of different food we intake.

Subdivide Your Food

We often forgot to consider the right measure of food we eat. Once we started eating we definitely fill our stomach with food without even thinking of how it could affect our health. Erectile dysfunction normally takes place when blood flow around the area of male’s genital are blocked. So, it is a big help to eat foods in the right proportion. This can also be considered a natural cure for this kind of disorder. And it helps increase energy level, improves blood flow and metabolism.

Herbal Supplements

Some who suffer from erectile dysfunction took herbal supplements. Some succeed in taking these and repeat it many times when results shown. They always believe that this is the natural and efficient way in curing this kind of health problem. Herbal supplements like Booster capsules are safe to use and proves a good outcome, but care should be needed while taking the dosages of these supplements. They should be taken in a right dosage and in a disciplined way. Because taking curable medicines in an irregular and undisciplined way will reduce the effectiveness of the product. Take a balance diet, maintain it and make regular exercises and you will gain a good heath and will definitely be your wealth.

Read more about herbal Erectile Dysfunction Pills. Also know about Premature Ejaculation Treatment.

Are Herbal Remedies Effective for Treating Erectile Dysfunction?

You are not alone suffering from erectile dysfunction. A lot of men is having problem with this. But it is not a problem to worry since there are herbal pills to cure your illness. The natural herbal remedies are known as the herbal V-i-a-g-r-a or the Asian V-i-a-g-r-a which become popular because of its effectiveness in curing premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Most of the common causes of erectile dysfunction include stress, use of drugs and excessive consumption of alcohol drinks. Some of the causes are physical and psychological component. It is quite disappointing when you are making love with your partner and yet you are experiencing this kind of problem.

Sometimes, what trigger your fear are anxiety, depression and guilt and lack of confidence. Smoking and drinking excessive alcohol can lower testosterone level and contributes to erectile dysfunction. One of the causes of impotence is when lack of blood flow in the male organ.

The good thing about men suffering from this condition is the truth that erectile dysfunction is curable. That is the reason why they don't lose hope because people who suffer from this can still gain their good performance in bed. Herbal sex pills like Herbal V-i-a-g-r-a are often used to cure this condition. The Asian V-i-a-g-r-a becomes incredibly famous because of its positive effect to cure ED. It is 100 percent safe, free from side effects and drug free. Below are some of herbal pills that you can take to cure ED:

Eurycoma Longifolia

It is one of the most popular natural herbs in the world. This induces sexual arousal, enhance motivation and the frequency in sexual lovemaking, it also increases the testosterone level, boost energy, increases virility and improves general health.

Gingko Biloba

It improves the performance of your heart, lungs, and genital. This also enhances sexual virility, endurance, clarity and mental alertness that results in a larger penile erection.

Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa Seeds

This herbal med is used for more than decades to prolong the duration of erection. It is also a natural source of component known as Pyrazolo Pyrimidinone. It is a component that leads prescription for erectile dysfunction.

Tribalus Terristis

It is a kind of natural aphrodisiac which induces larger and harder erection, increase sex desire and boost sexual energy and the testosterone levels.

Herbal sex pills place a natural as well as an abrupt ending in the embarrassing erectile dysfunction and the essentially build up for your sexual confidence and endurance. So, if you are a man experiencing this kind of problem, then don't get embarrassed because it is not only you who suffer this kind. Herbal sex pills can make your life more fascinating and can be active again. Go out, find these pills and make yourself different.

Read more about herbal Erectile Dysfunction Pills. Also know about Premature Ejaculation Treatment.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bad Effects of Over Masturbation - Weak Erection, Premature Ejaculation and Thin Semen

Over masturbation can be easily compared with an addiction. Men practicing it are aware that they are doing something wrong and something dangerous for their health, but they simply can't stop. There are also cases of men who are not informed about the bad effects of over masturbation and continue in this ill practice until they start experiencing the consequences.

Masturbation is considered by some experts healthy for someone's sex life. It begins in puberty years when a teenager gradually discovers his sexuality. It might accompany a man up to older ages, especially in times when he is lonely. It's nothing wrong with it as long as it stays within normal limits. The tricky part is that what is considered normal in what concerns the limits differs from individual to individual. The only number that is commonly agreed on is 3: a man shouldn’t ejaculate more than three times a week.

Over masturbation or excessive hand practice is very harmful for one's health and its bad effects are devastating. The physical consequences are indeed serious, but the psychological effects are the ones that really put a man down. Bad effects of over masturbation include weak erection, thin semen and premature ejaculation. They are all strongly related with the fact that too much hand practice leaves you sexually exhausted. The great majority of these negative consequences are the direct result of the weakening of the parasympathetic nerve. This controls ejaculation and its improper functioning can lead to all sorts of embarrassing problems.

Bad effects of over masturbation such as weak erection, thin semen and premature ejaculation can be counteracted with the use of herbal supplements. They are usually made of herbs that address every consequence of excessive hand practice. They balance the hormonal levels, they strengthen the parasympathetic nerve in order to help you avoid semen leakage, they improve blood flow in the male organ and they also provide important nutrients to the reproductive system. Nutrients are essential for the quality and motility of the sperm and prevent it from being too thin. Thin sperm, as well as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, is a main cause of infertility in men.

Excessive hand practice can stop you from living a normal life next to the woman you love. It needs to be cut down completely because the price you have to pay for indulging in pleasure all by yourself is too high. The bad effects on your body will become so serious, unless you treat them, that you won't even be able to enjoy the pleasure you want to produce yourself, not to mention pleasure with a woman.

Read how to cure Sexual Weakness Due to Excessive Masturbation. Also know the health benefits of Shilajit.

Natural Herbal Treatment for Low Sperm Count or Oligospermia

Oligospermia or low sperm count is the reason behind the inability of some men to conceive babies. Unfortunately, the causes of this condition are still to be understood. There are some hypotheses regarding the factors that lead to low sperm count. It might not be clear what's causing it, but it seems to be common knowledge what's aggravating it. Smoking and using drugs or alcohol are the number one enemies of fertility. So is overweight or underweight. Neither is good for the sperm count because it is believed that men who don't have a normal weight also have hormonal problems. Testosterone imbalances are to blame for many cases of oligospermia. Besides these, there is also the overheating of testicles that "kills" sperm. This can happen due to wearing tight underwear or due to taking frequent hot baths. Prolonged exposure to chemical substances like pesticides is also connected with fertility in men.

Natural treatment for oligospermia or low sperm count should definitely start with identifying the factors that trigger this condition in your particular case. There are synthetic pills on the market claiming to cure oligospermia. They are mainly hormone based and they can have unpleasant side effects. It is best to go for a natural treatment based on herbs, especially ayurvedic ones. These have similar properties with hormonal pills and have the same effects, only without the side effects.

Once you know the factors that might cause oligospermia in you, you might find it easier to increase your sperm count. If you smoke or constantly drink alcohol, give up these habits. Avoid overheating of the testicles and also keep a normal weight. This is not only done by dieting, you also need to exercise on a regular basis. Herbal remedies are indeed helpful in oligospermia, but a few changes in your life style won't hurt either.

Many men don't realize that stress can prevent them from conceiving a baby. It is very important to stay calm and relaxed during the natural treatment for oligospermia or low sperm count. Otherwise, stress might reduce your sperm count even more.

Oligospermia is indeed a condition that has no other symptoms and no other disadvantages besides the fact that you can't make babies. Even if you don't consider enlarging your family right now and you don't plan to do this in the foreseeable future either, it's still good to treat it because you never know when you change your mind in what concerns your descendants.

Find effective natural ways to Increase Sperm Count. Also know the health benefits of Shilajit.

Natural Herbal Treatment for Azoospermia or Nil Sperm Count

Azoospermia is a condition also known as nil sperm count. It is the reason why many couples can't conceive babies and it is a cause of frustration especially in young families. Azoospermia means that a man has either no sperm in his ejaculate or he has absolutely zero sperm count. There can be many causes for this condition, but it has no symptoms at all. Men can only discover it when they notice they can't make babies and perform a fertility test.

Once discovered, azoospermia is curable and you can regain your fertility. It is best to choose a natural cure or treatment for azoospermia or nil sperm count. In the great majority of cases, this condition is the result of a hormonal imbalance. Natural treatments are based on herbs that substitute the male hormones in the body and balance their levels. They increase the sperm count and also the sperm motility.

Natural herbal treatment for azoospermia or nil sperm count is mainly composed of ayurvedic herbs. These have properties similar with those of the hormones that enhance the sperm production. Tribulus terrestris is one of the herbs that cure azoospermia. It is used for many years in fertility related problems, low male libido and other sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction. Tribulus terrestris increases the level of estrogen and testosterone and also improves the blood circulation in the entire area, but mainly in the reproductive system and the urinary tract.

Safed musli is highly recommended by specialists in the ayurvedic medicine because it seems to have properties that improve semen count, semen volume and semen motility. These are the main factors that affect the fertility in men. Safed musli is also helpful in a great variety of other conditions generated by a malfunctioning of the reproductive system. It seems to be increasing both fertility and performance in men.

There are also other ayurvedic herbs that treat azoospermia. Ashwaganda, shilajit and mucuna pruriens have good effects on the health of the reproductive system. They also have aphrodisiac effects. Mucuna pruriens is the most powerful aphrodisiac. It also increases the testosterone level and the libido, by stimulating the production of dopamine. Mucuna pruriens also has effects at the level of the nervous system, toning it and increasing sensitivity and coordination.

Azoospermia or nil sperm count is entirely treatable with a natural herbal treatment. As a general rule for avoiding this condition, avoid smoking, caffeine and alcohol, never wear tight underwear and avoid excessive heating of the testicles. Eat healthy and keep your weight under control.

Read about Azoospermia Treatment. Also know the health benefits of Shilajit.

Natural Cure for Nightfall, Semen Discharge and Over Masturbation

Masturbation is considered normal as long as it doesn't exceed the limits. When this happens, it produces unpleasant side effects and it devastates one's reproductive system. The normal functioning of the body is affected by masturbating excessively and hormones that are released naturally are messed up. Nightfall and semen discharge are among the most common things that happen to men who over masturbate.

One needs to understand that sperm is naturally produced by our body. When this accumulates, it needs to be evacuated and in men without steady sex life this might happen through nightfall. It might seem that masturbating will take care of this problem. Semen is eliminated through hand practice and nightfall won't occur anymore. This unfortunately is only the theory. In practice, masturbation not only helps evacuating semen, but also increases the release of testosterone in the body. The higher the level of testosterone is, the higher the quantity of semen will also be. It's a vicious circle actually. More than that, over masturbation also weakens the parasympathetic nerve, the one which control ejaculation. Once this is damaged, a man will have little control over semen discharge.

The problem of nightfall, masturbation and semen discharge needs your immediate attention. It will aggravate otherwise and embarrassing moments in which you can't control semen discharge will turn into more serious ones which involve premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. Men affected by such problems would better follow an effective natural cure in order to smoothly regain control over his genital organs. If you are wondering what actually a natural cure for nightfall, masturbation and semen discharge involves, the answer is simple: herbal products and your determination. The last one is essential because you need to avoid the habit of masturbating and to realize that a healthy body and reproductive system can only be maintained living healthier and eating nutritious foods.

Since it was already discussed that nightfall and semen discharge are mainly the result of too much testosterone or of a weakened parasympathetic nerve, it means that curing them is only possible solving these problems. These are only the main causes of nightfall and semen discharge, as the actual process might be more complex and might also be influenced by other factors such as poor blood flow, lack of minerals, etc. There are many herbs that deal with these dysfunctional aspects and normalize them in order to ensure proper functioning of the reproductive system. The most famous one are mucuna pruruiens, whitania somnifera, shilajit, saffron and safed musli. There are also herbal oils that are effective in strengthening the male genitals.

Read about Excessive Nightfall Treatment. Also know the health benefits of Safed Musli Supplement.