Premature ejaculation or early ejaculation is a very common erectile dysfunction met in men. This problem can occur at any age but younger men who have a little sexual experience confront with this condition more often. Premature ejaculation is the situation in which the man ejaculates earlier than it is wanted or he ejaculates before his partner can reach an orgasm.
Premature ejaculation can happen occasionally and in this case man shouldn't be concerned. But if this condition repeated again and again men must take measures to get rid of it. An unsatisfied and disappointed partner leads to no good in a relationship.
Fortunately early ejaculation can be treated very easy taking into account that there are a large variety of solutions a man can use.
One of the solutions consists in anesthetic gel. There are various anesthetic gels available on the market. These gels are applied on the male organ or on the shaft before starting making love. They have the role to lessen the sexual sensation and to delay the ejaculation. Unfortunately these gels can have side effects. They can cause itchiness, soreness and redness at both partners.
Antidepressants are considered of a great help in curing early ejaculation, too. Taking an antidepressant with some hours before lovemaking can have great results when it comes about early ejaculation. Natural herbal antidepressants are usually recommended taking into account that they don’t have side effects.
Squeeze techniques have also proved to have beneficial effects in treating premature ejaculation. This technique consists in squeezing the end of the man organ. This will make the urge ejaculation to pass. If it is necessary the foreplay can be repeated. Repeat this technique whenever it is necessary. With practice man will be able to control his ejaculation without squeezing.
Start and stop technique is another way to avoid early ejaculation. The technique is very simple: when the man feels that he is ready to ejaculate he stops until the urge wish disappear. This technique can be repeated whenever it is necessary.
Kegel exercises are also recommended in treating early ejaculation. These exercises consist in strengthening the pelvic muscles. Having strong pelvic muscles a man can control easy the moment of ejaculation.
Herbal remedies have also proved to be very beneficial in treating early ejaculation. Ginkgo Biloba, Ashwagandha, passion flower, Tongkat Ali are some of the herbals successfully used in treating early ejaculation. Besides the fact that these herbs are very efficient in treating this condition they are fully recommended to be used instead of medicines because they don't have side effects. More on, some of them are excellent natural aphrodisiacs.
There are many herbal supplements used in curing premature ejaculation. These pills have the great ability to increase the man stamina, his energy and the ejaculation time. They have also the advantage that they don’t have side-effects.
A well balanced diet rich in foods as: ginger, fish, fennel, carrots, lettuce, onion, garlic and banana accompanied with regular exercises has proved to be a fierce enemy against early ejaculation.
Read about effective Premature Ejaculation Treatment. Also know herbal Premature Ejaculation Cure.