Saturday, April 2, 2011

Increase Sex Duration With The Right Premature Ejaculation Cure

Early ejaculation or premature ejaculation is that condition when a man ejaculates before his partner can reach the orgasm. It is considered one of the most humiliating and miserable conditions a man can ever confront with. Eve if premature ejaculation is not a serious dysfunction it can have serious consequences when it is about a couple. Men usually lose their self confidence and try to avoid making love with their partners. In time the relationships become colder and colder and they can lead even t separation.

The good news is that premature ejaculation problem can be easily treated. More on, there are many treatments, exercises and techniques that can help any man to get rid of this stressful condition.

A healthy and strong body will never confront with early ejaculation. So, a diet rich in foods as banana, lettuce, ginger, carrots is of a great help. Exercises combined with a right diet can be considered the key of success in getting rid of early ejaculation. It is well known that exercises maintain and increase the health of the cardiovascular system so they are of a great help when it comes about early ejaculation, too. Deep breathing, Pranayama and many Yogasana exercises are recommended to all those who confront with an early ejaculation.

Some of the best exercises recommended in this condition are Kegel exercises. They have the role to strengthen and to train the pelvic muscles. Once these muscles are powerful enough ejaculation can be kept under control any time.

Foreplay has a very important role in everybody's sexual life. Because women generally need a much time until they are able to reach orgasm foreplays are very important. Man should take the things easy and try to arouse his partner. Spending some time kissing and caressing his partner can successfully prevent premature ejaculation.

Psychological disposition has also a great part in sexual life. A man who is stressed, tired, and worried is not able to control himself so that to delay the moment of his ejaculation. So before lovemaking it is recommended to empty your mind of all those unpleasant thoughts and to try to relax as much as possible. A hot and prolonged bath, some time spent in fresh air listening to the preferred music or some exercises can relax your mind and body so that to be ready for lovemaking.

If the cause of premature ejaculation is anxiety natural herbal antidepressants are the best choice. Taking an antidepressant pill some hors before making love has proved to be very beneficial in this condition.

There are also some very efficient techniques that can help a man to get rid of the stress provoked by early ejaculation. For example, if a man is breathing deeply when he feels the urge wish to ejaculate he will manage to delay the moment. The same effect can be obtained if he is trying to relax his muscles the moment he reaches the climax.

As it can be seen premature ejaculation is not an incurable disease. On contrary, every man can get rid of it without much pain.

Read about effective Premature Ejaculation Treatment. Also know herbal Premature Ejaculation Cure.