Saturday, April 2, 2011

Last Longer With The Right Herbal Treatment for Premature Ejaculation Cure

Premature ejaculation is the condition when men ejaculate shortly after they start the sexual excitement and before their partners needs them to. It is the most frequent sexual disorder met in men and even if it is not a grave disease it can have serious consequences. Premature ejaculation leads to serious relationship problems between partners, to anxiety, and disappointment. Due to premature ejaculation the sexual appetite decreases, the sexual activity diminished and in time both partners will avoid making love. Men will avoid to make love with their partners fearing of another failure so that the relations between partners become colder and colder. Many men live with the fear that they might be abandoned for a more capable partner.

The common factors that lead to PE are: inflammation of the prostate, depression, tiredness, anxiety, stress and some tensioned relationship issues.

Fortunately PE is not an incurable disease. There are a lot of natural remedies able to help a man to get rid of premature ejaculation condition.

Ashwagandha is an herb used as a rejuvenator for the body. It provides the body energy and promotes libido. It is a very efficient tonic and its consumption is fully recommended when it comes about PE.

Shatavari is also a very beneficial rejuvenation. It has great curative properties being able to treat many kinds of sexual ailments and disorders. It is successfully used in treating impotence, and disorders of the genital organs.

Kavach Beej is an herb used in treating men health problems.

Garlic is another natural remedy used successfully in treating and preventing premature ejaculation. The regular consumption of garlic improves the sexual activity and prevents PE.

Carrots, eggs and honey counts among the foods whose consumption play a great part in getting rid of premature ejaculation. Scrape 150grams of carrots and mix them with a half of a boiled egg and a tablespoon of honey. Mix these ingredients well and then take it once a day. This remedy has the great property to increase the libido and the testosterone level, to improve the blood flow to the reproduction organs and to increase the sexual activity.

Xanthoparmelia sacabrosa seeds are known for their great ability to increase the sexual desire. Gingo Biloba is also used in treating premature ejaculation due to its property to improve the blood flow to the genital organs.

Eurycoma longifolia is an aphrodisiac used in treating PE due to its powerful ability to heighten the testosterone levels and to improve the sexual arousal.

Another powerful aphrodisiac is Tribulus terristris. It has the capability to improve the vitality, to boost the libido and to improve the endurance.

Indian ginseng, cowhage, purple orchid and passion flower are also used as very effective remedies in curing premature ejaculation.

The regular consumption of ginger juice has the ability to strengthen the reproduction organs and to prevent early ejaculation.

Howthorn berries are successfully used in curing PE. This remedy has the medicinal ability to improve the male’s stamina and the performing of the genital organs.

Read about effective Premature Ejaculation Treatment. Also know herbal Premature Ejaculation Cure.