Retinopathy may be defined as a non-inflammatory damage to the retina which is made up of light sensitive cells lining the back half of both eyes. When retinopathy occurs, the thin blood vessels on the retina begin to leak, giving rise to visual problems. Retinopathy is often an ocular response to a systemic disorder. Retinopathy, if not timely treated, may lead to partial or complete blindness and macula impairment. The damage caused by retinopathy is progressive, i.e. it happens slowly and gradually. The causes of retinopathy may be listed as follows: heredity, arterial hypertension, diabetes, sickle cell disease, ciliopathy, pre-maturity of new-born baby, retinal vein occlusion, hyper-viscosity, pheochromocytoma and much exposure to sunlight. The general symptoms of retinopathy are:
1. Blurred or dim vision
2. Sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes
3. Blind spots
4. Floaters
5. Loss of night vision
6. Black spots
7. Flashing light
8. Distorted shapes
9. Reduced visual sharpness
10. Difficulty visualizing detailed work.
Home Remedies for Retinopathy
1. Take spinach juice daily or generously include spinach in diet. Spinach contains carotenoid which protects your eyes against retinopathy.
2. Consume grape seeds. It is rich in procyanidins which nourish your eyes, improve night vision and stop blood leakage and clotting. In short, it is a safeguard against retinopathy.
3. Take glassful bilberry juice daily. It improves eyesight, reduces pressure in eyes, strengthens veins and blood vessels in eyes and prevents retinopathy
4. Gingko biloba herb is highly beneficial in treating retinopathy.
5. Vitamin A rich carrot should be consumed on a daily basis. This is a preventive measure for retinopathy.
6. Consume 2-3 raw garlic cloves or consume cooked garlic daily. This is an effective home remedy for retinopathy.
7. Blend carrot juice and spinach juice and drink. This is a miraculous potion for treating retinopathy.
8. For boosting up macula health, consume parsley in plenty. Include parsley generously in your salads. Parsley contains Vitamin C and substances like Lutenin and Zeaxanthin. These check the damage of macula and thereby prevent retinopathy.
9. Eat healthy and exercise daily to keep vision problems at bay.
10. Strictly avoid sweets, for fluctuations in blood glucose level worsen retinopathy.
11. Quit smoking to check hypertension and retinopathy due to it.
12. Omega-3 fatty acids arrest the progression of retinopathy. Oily fishes like salmon, halibut, herring, tuna and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore consume oily fishes in plenty.
13. Stress gives rise to ailments like hypertension, diabetes etc and increases the risk of retinopathy. Therefore practice stress relief measures like meditation, listening to music, breathing exercises etc.
Read more Home Remedies for Retinopathy. Also know useful Home Remedies for Poison Oak.