Friday, June 29, 2012

Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion That Give Amazing Results

There might be many reasons for frequent nasal congestion such as allergy, cold or flu. Swelling of the nasal membranes cause congestion as a result of which the mucus draining from sinus cavities backs up since it has nowhere to go. Fortunately there are several home remedies for nasal congestion which you can try and get benefit from remedies.

One of the simplest and most effective home remedies for congestion in nasal is the use of Carom (ajwain) seeds. All you need to do is make a powder of these carom seeds and put them in a small cotton cloth and keep it near your pillow cover. You can even try consuming spicy food such as chicken soup with lot of black pepper. It may help in opening up the sinus passages.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used in treating congestion in nasal. Just put apple cider vinegar in a pan and heat it until it starts giving steam. Now inhale the vapor. It will sure give you relief from nasal congestion. A warm shower is also helpful in relieving nasal congestion.

Horseradish is one of the effective home remedies for congestion. Just grate horseradish and take it on a teaspoon. Now add honey or apple cider vinegar to it. Take this mixture on your tongue and take a long breath. The aroma will give you fast relief. You can make a homemade inhaler by putting one to two drops of peppermint oil on a cotton ball and inhale. This will give you relief from nasal congestion.

If your child is suffering from nasal congestion then you can try heating a teaspoon with cardamom seeds on hot coals and let your child inhale the smoke. Other way to get relief from congestion in nasal is to take a mixture of tomato juice (one cup), chopped fresh garlic (one teaspoon), lemon juice (one teaspoon) and hot sauce (half teaspoon). Now heat this mixture and have it like a soup.

Consume lot of fluids like fruit juice, water, tea and carbonated drinks. In order to get relief from nasal congestion you should sleep with an extra pillow under your head. Add green vegetables and fruits in your diet. Whole grain wheat and fish should also be included. Avoid food high in calorie and also avoid excess of salt or sugar. These were some of the effective home remedies for nasal congestion which are simple, easy, safe and convenient to use.

Read about Home Remedies for Nasal Congestion. Also know Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose.