Friday, June 29, 2012

Home Remedies For Pyorrhea That Give Amazing Results

Pyorrhea is a gum disease in which the shrinkage of the gum, pus formation and loss of teeth can happen. There are certain factors which can cause pyorrhea such as bacterial activity, incorrect brushing, injury to gums, and improper use of toothpicks and stagnation of food particles. Some of the common symptoms of pyorrhea are bleeding gums, pus discharge, and bad breath, red, swollen and tender gums.

Pyorrhea Home Remedies

There are several home remedies for pyorrhea which are simple and are quite safe to use without any risk of side effects. Some of the popular home remedies for pyorrhea which are being used since a very long time and have proved to be quite effective in many cases are:

1. One of the simplest remedies for pyorrhea is drinking lots of carrot juice and orange juice on daily basis. Regular consumption of these juices will heal pyorrhea.

2. Another effective remedy is to apply a mixture of honey and lemon juice on the affected region on regular basis.

3. Chewing unripe guava fruit on daily basis can also prove to be very helpful in treating pyorrhea. Or you can even try chewing the leaves of guava which is also equally effective. This natural home remedy will stop the bleeding of the gums.

4. Take some dry rind of pomegranate and mix it with common salt and pepper. Apply this mixture on the affected area on regular basis. This home remedy will stop the bleeding and will strengthen the gums.

5. Every day after brushing your teeth, rub your gums with the mixture of mustard oil and salt with the help of your fingertips. This also an effective way to treat pyorrhea.

6. Aloe vera gel can be very beneficial in treating pyorrhea. All you have to do is apply aloe vera gel directly on the affected region of your gums. This will give you relief from the pain and inflammation.

7. Daily make it a practice to eat ripe banana with thread like substance inside its peel. This natural home remedy will stop the bleeding of the gums and will help in treating pyorrhea. This is one of the most effective home remedies for pyorrhea.

8. Put water to boil and then add banyan barks in it. Continue boiling for about half an hour and then gargle with this mixture on daily basis. This will prove to be very effective in treating pyorrhea.

9. Daily chew the leaves of lettuce after your meals. This remedy will prevent pyorrhea.

10. Avoid consumption of alcohol, tea, coffee, meat, sauces and condiments. Also avoid consumption of white sugar, white bread and tinned foods.

11. It is a good practice to drink spinach juice on regular basis or you can even try chewing raw spinach. This can be very helpful in treating pyorrhea.

12. You can even try using sesame oil as a gargle to treat pyorrhea. Or you can even try taking little amount of this oil and keeping it in your mouth for almost tem minutes.

13. Mix some camphor in one teaspoon of ghee and make them into a paste. Massage your gums with this mixture many times in a day.

These were some of the most effective home remedies for pyorrhea which are simple, safe and cost-effective.

Read about Home Remedies for Gingivitis, Gum Inflammation. Also know Home Remedies for Tooth Pain.