Thursday, June 21, 2012

Natural Treatment For Oligospermia Or Low Sperm Count, Improve Fertility

Oligospermia or low sperm count is a condition in which affected males are unable to father a child because of inadequate amount of spermatozoa in their seminal fluid. Moreover, in the semen of a healthy male, the sperm count ought to be at least forty million out of which 75 percent of spermatozoa should be alive. And, 30 percent of spermatozoa ought to be of normal shape and size. In addition, 25 percent of spermatozoa out of 40 million ought to be swimming speedily in forward direction. Nevertheless, oligospermia is a term used for condition in which spermatozoa count is below than normal. Besides, azoospermia is another infertility problem for males in which there are no spermatozoa in the seminal fluid of the affected person.

However, natural treatment for low sperm count can increase the quality of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid, which in turn improves male's fertility. Nonetheless, natural treatment method is immensely popular because they have no side effects and, they smoothly eliminate the issues of male infertility.

Nevertheless, some of the tips to increase spermatozoa count in the semen are mentioned below.

1. It is beneficial to masturbate less often, because the more time any male ejaculates, the less dense spermatozoa will be in the seminal fluid. So, it is recommended to maintain a gap of three days between each ejaculation.

2. It would help to increase quality and quantity of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid, if a male abstain from the habit of alcohol consumption and smoking cigarettes. Nevertheless, such faulty habits affect the functioning of liver, and increases estrogen level, due to which fertility issues arise.

3. Exercising on regular basis is an effective natural treatment for low sperm count.

4. Eat nourishing foods to improve quality of spermatozoa in seminal fluid. Moreover, eating green, leafy vegetables, and whole grains is wonderful for health, and spermatozoa. In addition, it is beneficial to avoid caffeine based beverages and, bitter, astringent, and spicy foods.

5. Stress is considered as a leading cause for reducing spermatozoa quality and quantity in the seminal fluid. So, reduce stress levels to improve fertility.

6. Weight issues are responsible for causing hormonal imbalances. And, maintaining healthy weight can prove to be very good natural treatment for low sperm count.

7. Drink plenty of water to improve semen volume. Moreover, fluids are needed for production of healthy seminal fluid. So, at least drink 10 glasses of water in a day on regular basis.

Additionally, another of the most effective natural treatment for low sperm count is usage of herbal products. Moreover, herbal products are used in the treatment of male infertility as well as male sexual disorders. Furthermore, herbal products improve quality and quantity of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid by improving the functions of male reproductive system. In addition, they act as a powerful male libido enhancement supplement that can increase the pleasures of lovemaking. Also, herbal products increase male stamina and lovemaking performance for a healthier and much more enjoyable love life.

Read about Oligospermia Treatment. Also know effective ways to Increase Male Fertility.