Friday, June 17, 2011

Liver Care Home Remedies and Causes of Liver Problems

Liver is a football sized organ, situated beneath the rib cage on the right side of abdomen. It helps us in digesting food, converting nutrients in to essential blood components, maintaining hormonal balances, getting rid of toxins from our body etc. There can be several kinds of liver problems. Most problems are characterized by inflammation of liver, tissue damage or scarring, obstructions, clotting abnormalities and liver failure. The problems deteriorate liver function to a great extent.

The factors leading to liver disorders include heredity, obesity, viruses attacking liver, excessive alcohol intake, impact of harmful toxins and chemicals, liver injury, autoimmunity, inadequate rest, lack of balanced diet etc. The general symptoms of liver problems are loss of appetite, chronic fatigue, indigestion, gastric problems, nausea, yellowish skin and eyes, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, bloody, tarry or pale stool, dark colored urine and itchy skin. Fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis, enlarged liver, hemochromatosis, bile duct blockage; cyst, nodule, adenoma, cancer etc are some of the liver problems.

Home Remedies for Liver Care

Liver helps us to keep alive by performing vital body functions. Therefore we should take much care of our liver. Given below are some of the home remedies:

1. Mash 3-4 leaves of fig along with sugar candy and mix it in 250 mg of water. Sieve the mixture and drink 2 times daily. This is an effective home remedy.

2. Extract the juice of white radish leaves and stem, add sugar candy and drink early in the morning in empty stomach. This will help you to have a healthy liver.

3. Drink the juice of 2 oranges in empty stomach. This is a useful home remedy.

4. Blend 300 ml carrot juice with 100 ml cucumber juice or spinach juice and drink daily. This takes care of your liver efficiently.

5. Extract juice of black papaya seeds and mix a tablespoon of the juice with 10 drops of lime juice and take 2 times everyday. This is a beneficial liver care treatment.

6. Take glassful buttermilk with 1 teaspoon of powdered roasted cumin seeds and a pinch of salt. This helps in restoring liver health.

7. Mix the juice of 1 lemon in to 100 grams of water, add a pinch of salt and take thrice every day. This cures diseased liver.

8. Take a pinch of roasted alum along with buttermilk. This treats a damaged liver effectively.

9. Drink glucose water thrice a day and get cured of liver diseases.

10. Keep a water filled white glass bottle out in sunlight for 6-8 hours. Drink that water to allow proper functioning of liver.

Read about Liver Support Supplements. Also know useful Home Remedies for Liver Problems.