Sunday, June 26, 2011

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment - Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Level

Type 2 diabetes is a commonly found chronic disease caused due to improper production or utilization of insulin. Chances for getting type 2 diabetes vary from person to person. Heredity, hypertension and old age are main risk factors of type 2 diabetes. It may cause several negative impacts on life like increased appetite, increased thirst, blurred vision, fatigue and erectile dysfunction. After evaluating symptoms, you can easily verify this disorder by conducting blood tests. Fasting blood glucose level, oral glucose tolerance level and hemoglobin A1c test are some of the best recommended blood tests for verifying type 2 diabetes. Even though diabetes is not fully curable, we can maintain the normal level of blood sugar level in body by following a healthy lifestyle with proper medications. Now let's see in detail some of the best diabetes treatment for type 2.

Intake of oral medicines is a commonly prescribed diabetes treatment for type 2 helping in maintaining a balanced blood sugar level. At present, there are many oral medicines available at medical stores. Before using oral medicines, it is advised to seek guidance from a physician for knowing your correct dosage level. Sulphonylureas is one among the best used oral diabetic medicines promoting insulin production in pancreas. Release of insulin from beta cells lowers the amount of blood sugar level and reduces the risk of hyperglycemic condition.

You can also intake sulphonylureas with metmorphin for treating type 2 diabetes. Intake of metmorphin reduce the amount of sugar absorbed by intestinal walls, make body cells more sensitive to insulin action and limits the release the glucose from liver to blood stream. It is a perfect solution for those who are suffering from type 2 diabetes due to over weight problems. Acarbose, exenatide, glitazones and gliptins are other common oral medicines suggested` for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Following a healthy diabetic diet is a best recommended type 2 diabetes treatment. Diabetic diet is a blend of nutritive, low caloric value and low cholesterol level food items. Green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, brown rice, millet, pealed barley and quinoa are main food items included in diabetic diet. While following a diabetic diet, it is advised to intake frequent light meals instead of heavy meals. Potatoes, ghee products, spices and oily fried food items should be avoided. It is also advised to cease the intake of alcohol and processed food items for maintaining a balanced blood sugar level.

Proper exercise is another suggested diabetes treatment for lowering blood sugar level. Doing regular exercises helps in proper functioning of metabolic activities and lowers heightening of blood sugar level. Performing aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, bicycling and swimming helps in promoting over all well being of the person. It reduces over weight, prevents heart diseases, reduces hypertension problems and improves muscle sensitivity towards insulin. Practicing of yoga exercises is another effective type 2 diabetes treatment used for stimulating the functioning of pancreas. Bhramari, surya namaskara, salabha asana and pavanamukta asana are some among the best recommended yogic exercises for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

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