Friday, June 17, 2011

Natural Home Remedies for Head Lice Treatment

Peoples feel crucified when their children come home with head lice roaming freely on their heads, but the home remedies for head lice can help you to get rid of this shameful condition. The lice are very tiny insects that live on the skin underneath our hairs. In addition, these insects bite our skin due to which skin irritates, and we fell to scratch. The home remedies for head lice will relieve the itching very effectively, and these remedies will get rid of these insects also. Moreover, these insects cannot be removed easily until they are debilitated, because they hold the roots of our hairs very substantially which makes it difficult to remove them with comb. And, the home remedies for head lice will enfeeble the insects so that they can be removed easily.

A person may get infected when he comes in contact with another person who already has these insects on their head. Moreover, using comb of an infected person can infect the user, because the eggs of these insects get entrapped in the comb which may transfer to another person who uses it. In addition, the home remedies for head lice can efficiently get rid of the eggs of these insects, and insects, both at the same time.

1. After shampooing hairs, pour some vinegar in them, and leave it to work for 4 minutes. Rinse thoroughly, and dry your hairs with towel.

2. One of the most effective home remedies for head lice is application of onion juice on head. Leave the juice to work for 4 hours, and wash hairs with shampoo afterwards. These remedy is recommended to be used at least twice weekly.

3. Take a whole custard apple and grind it into paste. Apply this paste on the scalp, and leave it overnight. Cover your head with shower cap. In the morning, shampoo and condition as usual.

4. Apply tea tree oil on the scalp, and leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse hairs thoroughly.

5. Mix few drops of lemon juice in a bowl of butter, and mix them thoroughly. Apply this mixture on the scalp, and leave it for 20 minutes. Afterwards, shampoo as usual. This is one of the most effective home remedies for head lice.

6. Prepare a paste of garlic and lemon juice. Apply this paste on scalp, and leave it to work for 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.

7. Massage your scalp with mayonnaise, and leave it for 1 hour. After an hour has passed, blow dry your hairs for 5 minutes. Rinse the hairs thoroughly.

In conclusion, the above mentioned home remedies for head lice are very effective in getting rid of every head louse, but it is also important to keep your head clean by washing them frequently, because these insects are more active in unhygienic conditions. Also, it is advised to keep your house clean, and change the covers of bed before they are too dirty. In addition, it is also advised to use thin-toothed comb so that the eggs of the louse can be removed easily. Moreover, you can also cut short your hairs so that it becomes impossible for the head louse to hide.

Read Home Remedies for Head Lice. Also know useful Home Remedies for Dry Cracked Hands.