Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sprains Causes and Home Remedies

Sprain may be defined as an injury to the ligament. The ligaments are strong, flexible fibers that hold the bones in place. Over-stretching or stretching of joints far beyond their capacity may damage ligaments, resulting in sprains. Thus physical stress is the cause of sprains. When a body part is compelled to perform a movement for which it is not meant or prepared, the ligaments, tendons and muscles receive a jolt and may get strained or sprained. A single stressful incident may cause a sprain or it may occur through a number of repetitive movements that injure ligaments gradually. It is a common occurrence in today's hasty, cumbersome life. It may be of the following three types:

1. Grade 1 (In this case, the fibers of ligaments are stretched).
2. Grade 2 (In this case, part of the ligament is ruptured).
3. Grade 3 (In this case, the ligament is completely torn).

Ankle, knees, wrists and neck are areas which may get sprained easily. When the ankle gets twisted, ankle sprain develops. It is the commonest of all sprains. Knee sprains are common among athletes, especially football players. Neck sprains or whiplash occur when head and neck are violently flexed backwards or forwards. This is common in case of car accidents. Much pain, swelling, stiffness and bruising occurs in the location of sprain. Also hard knots of muscles may be felt or may be visible near the site of sprain. Some of the causes of sprain may be listed as follows:

1. Sudden fall
2. Forceful blow to the body
3. Lifting heavy objects
4. Stepping on uneven surface

Home Remedies

1. Give the affected part an Epsom salt bath. This will reduce pain due to sprain.

2. Consume pineapples in plenty to get cured of sprain.

3. Put few drops of lavender oil in to a bowl of warm water and immerse the sprained area to get relief.

4. Application of cold compress followed by bandaging relieves sprain.

5. Put 1 tablespoon black coffee on a bandage and wrap round the hurt area. This is effective remedy in case of foot sprain.

6. Immerse 3-4 outer leaves of cabbage in water. Wrap them round the sprained area and keep for 10-15 minutes. This is beneficial in treating sprain.

7. Massage the sprained area with a combination of almond oil and garlic oil. This solves the problem of sprain.

8. Soak a cloth in hot soured milk and apply it as a poultice on sprained area. This is a useful cure.

9. Tie chopped onion in a clean piece of muslin. Place the muslin pouch on the sprained area. This helps to get rid of the problem.

10. Mix 1 teaspoon camphor oil with some amount of sunflower oil and rub the mixture on the sprained area. This alleviates pain and swelling.

11. Make a paste by pounding lime leaves and mixing it with butter. Apply the paste on the sprained area and keep for sometime. This is an effective home remedy for sprain.

12. Mix 1 teaspoon lime juice and 1 teaspoon honey. Rub the mixture on the sprained portion. This cures sprains.

13. Add a pinch of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk and drink twice daily. This eases off pain caused by sprain.

14. Combine 2 tablespoon sunflower oil and 1 tablespoon turpentine oil. Massage sprained area with the combination. This is an effective anti-sprain rub.

Read about effective Home Remedies for Sprain. Also know about Home Remedies for Sterility.